
In Juju, a unit is a deployed charm.

An application’s units occupy machines.

Simple applications may be deployed with a single application unit, but it is possible for an individual application to have multiple units running on different machines. For example, one may deploy a single MongoDB application, and specify that it should run three units (with one machine per unit) so that the replica set is resilient to failures.

A unit is always named on the pattern <application>/<unit ID>, where <application> is the name of the application and the <unit ID> is its ID number or, for the leader unit, the keyword leader. For example, mysql/0 or mysql/leader. Note: the number designation is a static reference to a unique entity whereas the leader designation is a dynamic reference to whichever unit happens to be elected by Juju to be the leader .

Leader unit

In Juju, a leader (or application leader) is the application unit that is the authoritative source for an application’s status and configuration.

All units for a given application share the same charm code, the same relations, and the same user-provided configuration but the leader unit is different in that it is responsible for managing the lifecycle of the application as a whole.

Every application is guaranteed to have at most one leader at any given time. Unit agents will each seek to acquire leadership, and maintain it while they have it or wait for the current leader to drop out.

Internally, even though the replica set shares the same user-provided configuration, each unit may be performing different roles within the replica set, as defined by the charm.

The leader is denoted by an asterisk in the output to juju status.