juju remove-unit


Remove application units from the model.


juju remove-unit [options] <unit> [...] | <application>





-B, --no-browser-login


Do not use web browser for authentication



Destroy storage attached to the unit



Print what this command would remove without removing



Completely remove an unit and all its dependencies

-m, --model

Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>



Do not ask for confirmation. Overrides mode model config setting



Rush through unit removal without waiting for each individual step to complete



Number of units to remove (k8s models only)


juju remove-unit wordpress/2 wordpress/3 wordpress/4

juju remove-unit wordpress/2 --destroy-storage

juju remove-unit wordpress/2 --force

juju remove-unit wordpress/2 --force --no-wait


Remove application units from the model.

The usage of this command differs depending on whether it is being used on a k8s or cloud model.

Removing all units of a application is not equivalent to removing the application itself; for that, the juju remove-application command is used.

For k8s models only a single application can be supplied and only the –num-units argument supported. Specific units cannot be targeted for removal as that is handled by k8s, instead the total number of units to be removed is specified.

Examples: juju remove-unit wordpress –num-units 2

For cloud models specific units can be targeted for removal. Units of a application are numbered in sequence upon creation. For example, the fourth unit of wordpress will be designated “wordpress/3”. These identifiers can be supplied in a space delimited list to remove unwanted units from the model.

Juju will also remove the machine if the removed unit was the only unit left on that machine (including units in containers).

Sometimes, the removal of the unit may fail as Juju encounters errors and failures that need to be dealt with before a unit can be removed. For example, Juju will not remove a unit if there are hook failures. However, at times, there is a need to remove a unit ignoring all operational errors. In these rare cases, use –force option but note that –force will remove a unit and, potentially, its machine without given them the opportunity to shutdown cleanly.

Unit removal is a multi-step process. Under normal circumstances, Juju will not proceed to the next step until the current step has finished. However, when using –force, users can also specify –no-wait to progress through steps without delay waiting for each step to complete.