juju destroy-model
See also: destroy-controller
Terminate all machines/containers and resources for a non-controller model.
juju destroy-model [options] [<controller name>:]<model name>
Flag |
Default |
Usage |
false |
Do not use web browser for authentication |
false |
Destroy all storage instances in the model |
false |
Force destroy model ignoring any errors |
false |
Do not ask for confirmation |
false |
Rush through model destruction without waiting for each individual step to complete |
false |
Release all storage instances from the model, and management of the controller, without destroying them |
-1s |
Timeout for each step of force model destruction |
juju destroy-model --no-prompt mymodel
juju destroy-model --no-prompt mymodel --destroy-storage
juju destroy-model --no-prompt mymodel --release-storage
juju destroy-model --no-prompt mymodel --force
juju destroy-model --no-prompt mymodel --force --no-wait
Destroys the specified model. This will result in the non-recoverable removal of all the units operating in the model and any resources stored there. Due to the irreversible nature of the command, it will prompt for confirmation (unless overridden with the ‘–no-prompt’ option) before taking any action.
If there is persistent storage in any of the models managed by the controller, then you must choose to either destroy or release the storage, using –destroy-storage or –release-storage respectively.
Sometimes, the destruction of the model may fail as Juju encounters errors and failures that need to be dealt with before a model can be destroyed. However, at times, there is a need to destroy a model ignoring all operational errors. In these rare cases, use –force option but note that –force will also remove all units of the application, its subordinates and, potentially, machines without given them the opportunity to shutdown cleanly.
Model destruction is a multi-step process. Under normal circumstances, Juju will not proceed to the next step until the current step has finished. However, when using –force, users can also specify –no-wait to progress through steps without delay waiting for each step to complete.
WARNING: Passing –force with –timeout will continue the final destruction without consideration or respect for clean shutdown or resource cleanup. If timeout elapses with –force, you may have resources left behind that will require manual cleanup. If –force –timeout 0 is passed, the model is brutally removed with haste. It is recommended to use graceful destroy (without –force or –no-wait).