Print information for the storage instance with the specified ID.
storage-get [options] [<key>]
Flag |
Default |
Usage |
smart |
Specify output format (json|smart|yaml) |
Specify an output file |
specify a storage instance by id |
# retrieve information by UUID
storage-get 21127934-8986-11e5-af63-feff819cdc9f
# retrieve information by name
storage-get -s data/0
When no <key> is supplied, all keys values are printed.
Further details: storage-get obtains information about storage being attached to, or detaching from, the unit.
If the executing hook is a storage hook, information about the storage related to the hook will be reported; this may be overridden by specifying the name of the storage as reported by storage-list, and must be specified for non-storage hooks.
storage-get can be used to identify the storage location during storage-attached and storage-detaching hooks. The exception to this is when the charm specifies a static location for singleton stores.