(take-your-deployment-offline)= # How to take your deployment offline To take your deployment offline (to be more precise, in a proxy-restricted environment): 1. Use a private cloud. > See more: {ref}`List of supported clouds ` 2. Figure out the list of external services required for your deployment and set up proxies / local mirrors for them. Depending on whether your deployment is on machines or Kubernetes, and on a localhost cloud or not, and which one, these services may include: - [https://streams.canonical.com](https://streams.canonical.com/) for agent binaries and LXD container and VM images; - [https://charmhub.io/](https://charmhub.io/) for charms, including the Juju controller charm; - [https://snapcraft.io/store](https://snapcraft.io/store) for Juju's internal database; - [http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com](http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/) for base Ubuntu cloud machine images, and [http://archive.ubuntu.com](http://archive.ubuntu.com/) and [http://security.ubuntu.com](http://security.ubuntu.com/) for machine image upgrades; - a container image registry: - [https://hub.docker.com/](https://hub.docker.com/) - [public.ecr.aws/juju](public.ecr.aws/juju) - [https://ghcr.io/juju](https://ghcr.io/juju) 3. Configure Juju to make use of the proxies / local mirrors you've set up by means of the following model configuration keys: - {ref}`model-config-agent-metadata-url` - {ref}`model-config-apt-ftp-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-apt-http-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-apt-https-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-apt-mirror` - {ref}`model-config-apt-no-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-container-image-metadata-url` - {ref}`model-config-ftp-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-http-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-https-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-image-metadata-url` - {ref}`model-config-juju-ftp-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-juju-http-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-juju-https-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-juju-no-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-no-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-snap-http-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-snap-https-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-snap-store-assertions` - {ref}`model-config-snap-store-proxy` - {ref}`model-config-snap-store-proxy-url` **Examples:** ````{dropdown} Configure the client to use an HTTP proxy Set up an HTTP proxy, export it to an environment variable, then use the `http-proxy` model configuration key to point the client to that value. ```` ````{dropdown} Configure all models to use an APT mirror Set up an APT mirror, export it to the environment variable $MIRROR_APT, then set the `apt-mirror` model config key to point to that environment variable. For example, for a controller on AWS: ``` text juju bootstrap --model-default apt-mirror=$MIRROR_APT aws ``` ```` ````{dropdown} Have all models use local resources for both Juju agent binaries and cloud images Get the resources for Juju agent binaries and cloud images locally; define and export export environment variables pointing to them; then set the `agent-metadata-url` and `image-metadata-url` model configuration keys to point to those environment variables. For example: ``` text juju bootstrap \ --model-default agent-metadata-url=$LOCAL_AGENTS \ --model-default image-metadata-url=$LOCAL_IMAGES \ localhost ``` ```` ````{dropdown} Set up HTTP and HTTPS proxies but exclude the localhost cloud Set up HTTP and HTTPS proxies and define and export environment variables pointing to them (below, `PROXY_HTTP` and `PROXY_HTTPS`); define and export a variable pointing to the IP addresses for your `localhost` cloud to the environment variable (below,`PROXY_NO`); then bootstrap setting the `http_proxy`, `https_proxy`, and `no-proxy` model configuration keys to the corresponding environment variable. For example: ```text $ export PROXY_HTTP=http://squid.internal:3128 $ export PROXY_HTTPS=http://squid.internal:3128 $ export PROXY_NO=$(echo localhost 10.44.139.{1..255} | sed 's/ /,/g') $ export http_proxy=$PROXY_HTTP $ export https_proxy=$PROXY_HTTP $ export no_proxy=$PROXY_NO $ juju bootstrap \ --model-default http-proxy=$PROXY_HTTP \ --model-default https-proxy=$PROXY_HTTPS \ --model-default no-proxy=$PROXY_NO \ localhost lxd ``` ````