(manage-offers)= # How to manage offers > See also: {ref}`offer` This document shows how to manage offers. ## Create an offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer admin access `. An offer stems from an application endpoint. This is how an offer is created: ```text juju offer :: /. See more: {ref}`command-juju-offer` ## View an offer’s details > Who: User with {ref}`offer read access `. The `show-offer` command gives details about a given offer. ```text juju show-offer ``` Example: ```text juju show-offer hosted-mysql Store URL Access Description Endpoint Interface Role foo admin/default.hosted-mysql admin MySQL is a widely used, open-source certificates tls-certificates requirer relational database management system database mysql_client provider (RDBMS). MySQL InnoDB cluster provides a complete high availability solution for MySQL via Group Replic... ``` For more details, including which users can access the offer, use the `yaml` format. Example: ```text juju show-offer hosted-mysql --format yaml serverstack:admin/default.hosted-mysql: description: | MySQL is a widely used, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). MySQL InnoDB cluster provides a complete high availability solution for MySQL via Group Replication. This charm supports MySQL 8.0 in bare-metal/virtual-machines. access: admin endpoints: certificates: interface: tls-certificates role: requirer database: interface: mysql_client role: provider users: admin: display-name: admin access: admin everyone@external: access: read ``` A non-admin user with read/consume access can also view an offer's details, but they won't see the information for users with access. > See more: {ref}`command-juju-show-offer` ## Control access to an offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer admin access `. Offers can have one of three access levels: - read (a user can see the offer when searching) - consume (a user can relate an application to the offer) - admin (a user can manage the offer) These are applied similarly to how standard model access is applied, via the `juju grant` and `juju revoke` commands: ```text juju grant ``` ```text juju revoke ``` Revoking a user's consume access will result in all relations for that user to that offer to be suspended. If the consume access is granted anew, each relation will need to be individually resumed. Suspending and resuming relations are explained in more detail later. To grant bob consume access to an offer: ```text juju grant bob consume admin/default.hosted-mysql ``` To revoke bob's consume access (he will be left with read access): ```text juju revoke bob consume admin/default.hosted-mysql ``` To revoke all of bob's access: ```text juju revoke bob read admin/default.hosted-mysql ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-grant`, {ref}`command-juju-revoke` ## Find an offer to use > Who: User with {ref}`offer read access `. Offers can be searched based on various criteria: * URL (or part thereof) * offer name * model name * interface The results will show information about the offer, including the level of access the user making the query has on each offer. To find all offers on a specified controller: ```text $ juju find-offers foo: Store URL Access Interfaces foo admin/default.hosted-mysql admin mysql:database foo admin/default.postgresql admin pgsql:db ``` As with the `show-offer` command, the `yaml` output will show extra information, including users who can access the offer (if an admin makes the query). ```text juju find-offers --offer hosted-mysql --format yaml foo:admin/default.hosted-mysql: access: admin endpoints: certificates: interface: tls-certificates role: requirer database: interface: mysql_client role: provider users: admin: display-name: admin access: admin bob: access: read everyone@external: access: read ``` To find offers in a specified model: ```text juju find-offers admin/another-model juju find-offers foo:admin/another-model ``` To find offers with a specified interface on the current controller: ```text juju find-offers --interface mysql_client juju find-offers --interface tls-certificates ``` To find offers with a specified interface on a specific controller: ```text juju find-offers --interface mysql_client foo: ``` To find offers with "sql" in the name: ```text $ juju find-offers --offer sql foo: ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-find-offers` (integrate-with-an-offer)= ## Integrate with an offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer consume access `. ```{important} Before Juju `3.0`, `juju integrate` was `juju relate`. ``` If a user has consume access to an offer, they can deploy an application in their model and establish an integration with the offer by way of its URL. ```text juju integrate [:] [:] ``` Specifying the endpoint for the application and the offer is analogous to normal integrations. They can be added but are often unnecessary: ```text juju integrate ``` When you integrate with an offer, a proxy application is made in the consuming model, named after the offer. An offer can be consumed without integration. This workflow sets up the proxy application in the consuming model and creates a user-defined alias for the offer. This latter is what's used to subsequently relate to. Having an offer alias can avoid a namespace conflict with a pre-existing application. ```text juju consume juju integrate ``` Offers which have been consumed show up in `juju status` in the SAAS section. The integrations (relations) block in status shows any relevant status information about the integrations to the offer in the Message field. This includes any error information due to rejected ingress, or if the relation is suspended etc. To remove a consumed offer: ```text juju remove-saas ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-integrate`, {ref}`command-juju-consume`, {ref}`command-juju-remove-saas` ## Allow traffic from an integrated offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer admin access `. When the consuming model is behind a NAT firewall its traffic will typically exit (egress) that firewall with a modified address/network. In this case, the `--via` option can be used with the `juju integrate` command to request the firewall on the offering side to allow this traffic. This option specifies the NATed address (or network) in CIDR notation: ```text juju integrate --via ``` Example: ```text juju integrate mediawiki:db ian:admin/default.mysql --via ``` The `--via` value is a comma separated list of subnets in CIDR notation. This includes the /32 case where a single NATed IP address is used for egress. It's also possible to set up egress subnets as a model config value so that all cross model integrations use those subnets without needing to use the `--via` option. ```text juju model-config egress-subnets= ``` Example: ```text juju model-config egress-subnets= ``` To be clear, the above command is applied to the **consuming** model. To allow control over what ingress can be applied to the offering model, an administrator can set up allowed ingress subnets by creating a firewall rule. ```text juju set-firewall-rule juju-application-offer --whitelist ``` Where 'juju-application-offer' is a well-known string that denotes the firewall rule to apply to any offer in the current model. If a consumer attempts to create a relation with requested ingress outside the bounds of the whitelist subnets, the relation will fail and be marked as in error. The above command is applied to the **offering** model. Example: ```text juju set-firewall-rule juju-application-offer --whitelist ``` ```{note} The `juju set-firewall-rule` command only affects subsequently created relations, not existing ones. Only new relations will be rejected if the changed firewall rules preclude the requested ingress. ``` To see what firewall rules have currently been defined, use the list firewall-rules command. Example: ```text juju firewall-rules Service Whitelist subnets juju-application-offer ``` ```{note} Beyond a certain number of firewall rules, which have been dynamically created to allow access from individual integrations, Juju will revert to using the whitelist subnets as the access rules. The number of rules at which this cutover applies is cloud specific. ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-set-firewall-rule`, {ref}`command-juju-firewall-rules` ## Inspect integrations with an offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer admin access `. The `offers` command is used to see all connections to one more offers. ```text juju offers [--format (tabular|summary|yaml|json)] [] ``` If `offer name` is not provided, all offers are included in the result. The default `tabular` output shows each user connected (relating to) the offer, the relation id of the relation, and ingress subnets in use with that connection. The `summary` output shows one row per offer, with a count of active/total relations. Use the `yaml` output to see extra detail such as the UUID of the consuming model. The output can be filtered by: - interface: the interface name of the endpoint - application: the name of the offered application - connected user: the name of a user who has an integration to the offer - allowed consumer: the name of a user allowed to consume the offer - active only: only show offers which are in use (are related to) See `juju help offers` for more detail. Example: ```text juju offers mysql Offer User Relation id Status Endpoint Interface Role Ingress subnets mysql admin 2 joined db mysql provider juju offers --format summary Offer Application Charm Connected Store URL Endpoint Interface Role hosted_mysql mysql ch:mysql-57 1/1 myctrl admin/prod.hosted_mysql db mysql provider ``` All offers for a given application: ```text juju offers --application mysql ``` All offers for a given interface: ```text juju offers --interface mysql ``` All offers for a given user who has related to the offer: ```text juju offers --connected-user fred ``` All offers for a given user who can consume the offer: ```text juju offers --format summary --allowed-consumer mary ``` The above command is best run with `--format` summary as the intent is to see, for a given user, what offers they might relate to, regardless of whether there are existing integrations (which is what the tabular view shows). > See more: {ref}`command-juju-offers` ## Suspend, resume, or remove an integration with an offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer admin access `. Before you can suspend, resume, or remove an integration (relation), you need to know the integration (relation) ID. (That is because, once you've made an offer, there could potentially be many instances of the same application integrating with that offer, so the only way to identify uniquely is via the relation ID.) Given two related apps (app1: endpoint, app2), the integration (relation) ID can be found as follows: ```text juju exec --unit $UNIT_FOR_APP1 -- relation-ids endpoint ``` The output, `: ``` ```{note} Suspended integrations (relations) will run the relation departed / broken hooks on either end, and any firewall ingress will be closed. ``` And, to resume an integration (relation), do: ```text juju resume-relation ``` Finally, to remove an integration (relation) entirely: ```text juju remove-relation ``` ```{note} Removing an integration on the offering side will trigger a removal on the consuming side. An integration can also be removed from the consuming side, as well as the application proxy, resulting in all integrations being removed. ``` ```{note} In all cases, more than one integration id can be specified, separated by spaces. ``` Examples: ```text juju suspend-relation 2 --message "reason for suspension" juju suspend-relation 3 4 5 --message "reason for suspension" juju resume-relation 2 ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-suspend-relation`, {ref}`command-juju-resume-relation`, {ref}`command-juju-remove-relation` ## Remove an offer > Who: User with {ref}`offer admin access `. An offer can be removed providing it hasn't been used in any integration. To override this behaviour the `--force` option is required, in which case the integration is also removed. This is how an offer is removed: ```text juju remove-offer [--force] ``` Note that, if the offer resides in the current model, then the shorter offer name can be used instead of the longer URL. Similarly, if an application is being offered, it cannot be deleted until all its offers are removed. > See more: {ref}`command-juju-remove-offer`