(performance-with-juju)= # Performance with Juju Juju is designed with performance in mind. With Juju, your cloud operations become: - **Quick and easy.** Juju is intuitive. To deploy an application, run `juju deploy`. To configure it, run `juju config`. And so on. > See more: {ref}`tutorial` - **Powerful.** In Juju, application integration is a first-class citizen: To integrate, run `juju integrate`. With 160+ intuitive CLI commands, any operation is just one command line away. > See more: {ref}`list-of-juju-cli-commands` - **Optimizable.** When you `juju deploy`, Juju automatically provisions infrastructure for you. However, you can also fine-tune the CPU, memory, and network resources, or ssh into a machine or pod. And Juju applications ship with sensible defaults, but they also expose further knobs that you may wish to turn -- say hello to 'configurations' and 'actions'! > See more: {ref}`manage-machines`, {ref}`manage-storage`, {ref}`manage-spaces` - **Scalable.** You need to make an application highly available? Just add a few more applications units! > See more: {ref}`scale-an-application` - **Portable.** Juju is model-driven. It separates application logic from business logic, and takes care of the former so you can focus on the latter. Whatever you want done, declare it in a model. The model is attached to a controller bootstrapped into a cloud. You can export and share it or migrate it to another controller on another cloud. You can also connect workloads on different models and even different clouds. With Juju supporting a long list of clouds -- public or private, machine or Kubernetes, branded or entirely ad hoc -- the possibilities are endless. > See more: > - {ref}`migrate-a-model` > - {ref}`manage-relations` > - {ref}`list-of-supported-clouds` - **Responsive and efficient.** Juju is designed to be both concurrent and parallel. It can manage multiple applications, services, and environments responsively and efficiently. - **Observable.** Juju's performance can be monitored using built-in tools and third-party solutions.