(read-before-contributing)= # Read before contributing This document is intended to help you write safe, dull, simple, boring, pedestrian code. These qualities are valuable because programming is hard, and debugging is harder, and debugging distributed systems is harder still; but by writing all our code with a determinedly po-faced and dyspeptic cynicism, and by tightly proscribing the interactions between components, we can at least limit the insanity we have to deal with at any one time. There are valid exceptions to many of these maxims, but they are *rare* and you should not violate them without a bone-deep understanding of why they exist and what their purpose is. (Before tearing down a fence, know why it was put up.) ## Programming 101 Practice this stuff consciously until you're doing it unconsciously. It transcends languages and will serve you well wherever you go. ### Do Not Use Global Variables. Seriously, please, **DO NOT USE GLOBAL VARIABLES**. Do not even use *one* little unexported package-global variable, unless you have explored the issue *in detail* with a *technical lead* and determined that it's the *least* harmful approach. One might think that one would not need to stress this in a group of professional software developers. One would be heartbreakingly wrong; so, for those who have not seen the light: Our most fundamental limitation as software developers is in the number of things we can consider simultaneously. We all know how hard it is to deal with a func that takes 7 params -- that's a *lot* to think about at once -- but it's far superior to a func that takes 5 params and uses 2 global variables, because the dependencies have been made explicit and the code has been decoupled from the rolling maelstrom of secret collaborators -- i.e. *everything else* that might *ever* read or write that global variable. Extracting global usage from existing code pays off handsomely and fast, and opportunities to do so should pretty much always be taken. You never have to fix the whole program at once: you just drop the global reference, supply it as a parameter from the originating context, and move on. It doesn't matter if there's now a new global reference one level up: it's one step closer to the edge of the system, and one step closer to being constructed explicitly, just once, and handed explicitly to everything that needs it. (Aside: environment vars are global variables too. If you need some config from the environment, read it as early as possible and hand it around explicitly like anything else.) ### Write Unit Tests And that means you should write **unit tests**: *tests* for each *unit* of functionality that will interact with other parts of the program. Write integration tests and functional tests as well, for sure; but they're never going to cover every possible weird race condition. Your unit tests are responsible for that; you use them to imagine and induce every situation you can imagine affecting your component, and you make every effort to ensure it behaves sensibly in all circumstances. If you think it's hard to test actual units, your units are too big. If you want to write internal tests, your units are too big. (Or possibly, in either case, you're screwing about with globals. If so, stop it.) The underlying insight is: tests exist to fail. If a test has never failed, it has value only in potentia; and its value is only realised, for better or for worse, when it does fail. If the failure uncovers a real problem, it delivers actual value; but every spurious failure contributes to a drip-feed of negative value. (Oh, and spurious successes are a vast flood of negative value: they build up slowly and silently until someone notices you've been shipping a broken feature for 6 months, at which point you suddenly have to book all that negative value at once and scramble to stay afloat.) But, regardless: as discussed, every test is a cost and a risk. Any test that does not cleanly and clearly map to a failure of the *unit* to meet expectations is especially risky, because it comes with a large extra analysis cost every time it fails. So: be thoughtful about the tests you do write, and make each test case as lean and focused as possible. Ultimately, your tests will be judged by their failures, and by how easily others can manipulate them to change or add to the SUT's behavioural constraints. Behaviour behaviour behaviour. Behaviour. ### Test Behaviour, Not Implementation This means, at a minimum: * do not write tests in `package foo`, write them in `package foo_test` * do not use the `export_test.go` mechanism at all * do not come up with any other scheme for touching unexported bits * do not export something just to test it, unless you give clients the exact same degree of control that your tests have *and require them to exercise it*. ...but if you're creative you'll find other ways to make this mistake. Regardless, by forbidding internal access; not using globals (*especially* not global func vars, they're at least as bad as any other global); and not privileging *either* the tests *or* the runtime clients, we can write a set of executable specifications for how a component will behave under various circumstances. This is the single most valuable thing you can have when refactoring or debugging. * When refactoring, it's valuable because it allows you to *actually refactor*, i.e. change the code without changing the tests, and have a reasonable degree of confidence in the result. * When debugging, it's valuable because the existence of good tests makes it easy to write *more* good tests: if you're changing behaviour (which you *will* have to do in response to bugs) you already have a framework designed to express the component's possible interactions with *all* its collaborators. Some developers maintain that internal tests deliver value, and it's not *impossible* for them to do so; but they are a continual stumbling-block for future refactoring efforts, and they are **not** an adequate replacement for *any* behaviour test. (And their tendency to keep passing when the component as a whole is failing to meet the responsibility that the tests appear to be validating is *poisonous*. If you don't think this is a big deal, I envy your innocence.) ### SOLID Is Not Just For Objects Dave Cheney did a good talk on this sometime earlyish in 2016. To hit the high points (and add my own spin, I think I disagree a bit with some of his interpretations...): #### Single Responsibility Principle Do one thing, do it well. If some exported unit is described as doing "X and Y", or "X or Y", it's failing SRP unless its *sole purpose* is the concatenation of, or choice between, X and Y. #### Open/Closed Principle Types should be open for extension but closed for modification. Golang is designed to make it easy to do the right thing here, so just follow community practice, and embrace the limitations of embedding -- it really is helping you to write better code. In particular, if you're planning to do anything that reminds you of OO-style inheritance, you're almost certainly failing here. #### Liskov Substitution Principle Roughly speaking, anywhere you can use a type, you should be able to use a subtype of same without breaking; and I'm pretty sure golang basically gives us this for free by eschewing inheritance. You still have to pay some attention to the semantics of any interface you're claiming some type implements, but that's an irreducible problem (given the context) and seems to have relatively minor impact in practice. I wave my hands and move on. #### Interface Segregation Princple Group your interfaces' capabilities so that they cover one concern, and cover it well. Your underlying types might not -- when working with any sort of legacy code, they surely will not -- but you don't have to care: it's far better to supply the same bloated type via 3 separate interface params than it is to accept a single bloated interface just because you need to consume a badly-written type. *Sometimes* you want to combine these tiny interfaces, when the capabilities are sufficiently bound to one another already -- see `package io`, for example -- but you should feel nervous and mildly guilty as you do so, and the more methods you end up with the worse you should feel. #### Dependency Inversion Principle Depend on abstractions, not concretions: that is to say, basically, only accept *capabilities* via interfaces. Certain parts of the codebase have been written so as to make it as difficult as possible to rewrite them to conform to this principle; please chip away at the problem as you can, all the same. Also, think about what you really depend on. If you just *use* some resource, accept that `Resource` directly, and don't muck about with `ResourceFactory` or `NewResourceFunc` unless you really *need* to defer that logic. SRP, remember -- unless resource creation is fundamental to what you're doing, it's best to let someone else handle it. ### Code Is Written For Humans To Read ...and only incidentally for machines to execute. It is more important that your code be *clear* than that it be elegant or performant; and those goals are only very rarely in opposition to clarity anyway. And people will be reading your code while trying to solve some bug, and they'll be in a hurry, and it will be easy for them to miss nuances in the code and end up making things worse instead of better. If you've written proper tests then they have at least some guardrails, but if your code doesn't do exactly what it looks like it does at first glance you've given them pit traps as well. In particular: * comment your code * explain what problem you're solving * ideally, also explain what associated problems you're not, and why, and how/where they should probably be addressed * point out the tricky bits in the implementation * if you did something bad, or inherited something bad, add a note making clear that it's bad -- that way there's half a chance people won't see it and unthinkingly duplicate it, and maybe a 1-in-2^16 chance that they'll spot an opportunity to fix it * oh, and, *read* existing comments and **update them** * think hard about names * words mean things, pick ones that do not egregiously violate your readers' expectations * excessively long names are bad; vague, unclear, or misleading names are much worse * when choosing names, think about your clients * they don't need to know how your func works -- they need to know *what it does* * they don't need to know that field's implementation -- they need to know *what it's for* * receivers and loop index vars can still be very short, and everyone knows what `err` is * other vars? please just say what they are * avoid unnecessary nesting * `return`/`continue` early on failure * use intermediate variables * do not nest more than two func definitions * extract internal funcs at the drop of a hat * avoid unnecessary indirection * indirection in service of abstraction is the noblest form; but be sure you know the difference, and that you really *have* abstracted something and not just made it less direct * callbacks are for frameworks, try not to write frameworks until the need is clear and present (i.e. when you are extracting an implicit framework that's proven its value and isn't amenable to a more direct implementation. Please don't try to write them from scratch) * DI *doesn't* mean you pass factories around -- making a type repsonsible for *creating* all its dependencies (as well as *using* them) violates SRP. * DI infrastructure code probably will use some factories, this is not the same thing, leaking them unnecessarily is bad * avoid clever scoping tricks * named returns are ok for deferring error handling * avoid using them in other circumstances * definitely don't ever do the magic naked return thing * don't shadow vars that mean something in the enclosing scope: maybe *you* will never screw up `=` vs `:=` but the rest of us aren't so smart. ### Concurrency Is Hard Seriously, there are *so many* ways to screw up a simple goroutine with a trivial select loop. Gentle misuse of channels can block forever, or panic; data races can inject subtly corrupt data where you'd never expect it. Luckily, there's a Go Proverb to fit the situation: "don't communicate by sharing memory, share memory by communicating". I think this is terribly insightful in a way that few explanations really bring home, and I'm not sure I'll do any better, but it's worth a try: If you even think about sharing memory, you're in the wrong paradigm. Channels excel at *transferring responsibility*: you should consider whatever you put in a channel to be *gone*, and whatever you received to be *yours*. If you want to be literal, yes, memory is being shared; but that can happen safely as a side-effect of the robust communication via channel. Focus on getting the communication right, and you get safe memory-sharing for free. Locks etc embody the opposite approach -- two components each have direct access to the same memory at the same time, and they have to directly manage the synchronisation and be mindful of lock-ordering concerns, and it's *really* easy to screw up. Responsibility transfer via channel is still quite screwable, don't get me wrong, but it's much easier to detect mistakes locally: so ideally you *always* own *all* the data in scope, but *only* until you hand it on to someone else, and it's relatively easy to check that invariant by inspection (for example, vars not zeroed after they're sent are suspect). Of course, *sometimes* you'll need to use one of the package sync constructs, but... probably not as a first resort, please. And talk to someone about it first -- it's certainly *possible* that you're in a situation where you really do want to synchronise rather than orchestrate, and where a judiciously deployed sync type *can* significantly simplify convoluted channel usage, but it's rare. (And be sure you really are simplifying: if you're not careful, the interactions between locks and channels can be... entertaining.) ### Do Not Call Up That Which You Cannot Put Down Files, API connections, mongo sessions, database documents, goroutines, workers in general, &c: if you started or created them, you need to either stop them (or delete or destroy or whatever)... **or** hand on responsibility for same to something else. This isn't C, but that doesn't mean we're safe from resource leaks -- just that you need to watch out for different classes of leak. And you need to be aware that whatever code you're running is probably viewed as such a resource by some other component: you have a duty to clean yourself up promptly and gracefully when asked. `Worker`s are easy -- just pay attention to your internal `Dying` channel -- but free funcs that could block for any length of time should accept an `Abort` chan (and return a special error indicating early exit). Don't be the resource leak :). See discussion of the `worker.Worker` interface below for a useful perspective on this problem and a recipe for avoiding it. ### Align Responsibilities And Capabilities Interfaces define capabilities; by inspecting the capabilities exposed to a component, you can establish bounds on what it can possibly affect and/or be affected by. (If you're not familiar with the term "light cone", look it up, it's exactly the same idea.) When framed in these terms, it seems clear that the fewer capabilities we expose to a component, the easier it is to analyse that component, and hopefully that's reason enough to narrow your interfaces as you go; but if you embrace the concept, you can take it one step further, by treating every *capability exposure* as a *responsibility transfer*. That is to say, you *only* supply a capability to a thing you *know* will use it. In concrete, juju-specific terms, consider the `environ.Tracker` worker. It's a worker, so it has `Kill` and `Wait` methods; and it also exposes an `Environ` to clients that need one; but the sets of clients are non-overlapping. When you construct such a worker, you get a concrete type exposing both sets of capabilities, and thus become responsible for their discharge; so you put the type under management as a `Worker` alone, and hand on the `Environ` capability to whatever else needs it (specifically, in this case, via its Manifold's Output func). Similarly, the various worker implementations that start `Watcher`s will pass the `worker.Worker` responsibility into the `Catacomb`, leaving only the `Changes()` channel for the loop func to worry about. And if you *don't* hand on some responsibility/capability, and you don't leave a comment explaining why, there's local evidence to suggest that you done goofed; either by handing too many capabilities into the context to begin with, or by dropping a responsibility on the floor. I'm not sure what concrete advice this boils down to, though. It's more a mode of analysis, I guess -- looking at code explicitly through these eyes can be useful, and can betray opportunities to tighten it up that might not be otherwise apparent. ### Don't Trust Anyone, Least Of All Yourself Whether through negligence, through weakness, or through their own deliberate fault, our collaborators will do strange things. Maybe they'll close a channel they swore they wouldn't; maybe they'll call methods in unexpected orders; maybe they'll return invalid data without an error. The only thing you can be reasonably sure of is that you *will* be abused by a collaborator, directly or indirectly, at some point; and you'll probably be responsible for inflicting your own weirdness at some point. The traditional advice is to be liberal in what you accept and conservative in what you emit; in this scenario, with potential chains of dependency running from component to component across the system, it's safest to be conservative across the board. It's *much* better to fail early and loud when you see the first warning signs than it is to fail late when the damage is already irrevocable. And about not trusting yourself: just because you're writing the code on both sides of the contract, *don't* kid yourself that you're safe. The next person to change the code won't remember all the implicit rules of sanity: if you're not enforcing them, you're conspiring to break them. ### Config Structs Are Awesome Multiple parameters are pretty nice at times, but the weight of evidence leans in favour of making *most* of your funcs accept either 0 args or 1. The sensible limit is probably, uh, 3 maybe? ...but even then, it's actually depressingly rare to nail a 3-param signature such that you never need to update it; and callables tend to accumulate parameters, anyway. So, when you're exporting any callable that you expect to churn a bit in its lifetime (i.e., pretty much always) just take the few extra seconds to represent the params as a type. There's a howto wiki page somewhere. If you defer it until the first instance of actual churn, that's fine, it's a judgment call; but if you find yourself rewriting an exported signature even once, just take the time to replace it with a struct. (And then future changes will be much easier.) Also, take a couple of minutes to see if you're rediscovering a widely-used type; and make an effort to give it a name that's a proper noun: `FrobnosticateParams` or -`Args` is generally a pretty terrible choice, it's super-context-specific and betrays very little intent. For example: type CreateMachineArgs struct { Cloud string Placement string Constraints constraints.Value } func CreateMachine(args CreateMachineArgs) (Machine, error) ...is, ehh, comprehensible enough, I suppose. But that's an *awful name*! You can immediately make it a bit better by just calling the type what it really is: type MachineSpec struct { Cloud string Placement string Constraints constraints.Value } func CreateMachine(spec MachineSpec) (Machine, error) ...and then, as a bonus, you get a type that doesn't hurt your eyes when it ends up being a generally useful concept and passed around elsewhere. I have found the following nouns generally better than either Args or Params, in various contexts: * `Spec` (implies creating distant resources, e.g. in the db, perhaps?) * `Config` (implies sufficient dependencies/info to perform a task?) * `Context` (implies you're a callback?) * `Request` (implies, well, a direct request) * `Selector` (implies request for several things, possibly to set up a Request?) ...but please don't treat this as a prescription: find the right names and use them. e.g. a `LeaseClaim`, or whatever; and often, indeed, just a string is quite good enough. func (repo *Repo) Get(name string) (Value, bool) ...is just fine as it is, because it probably really *won't* ever change significantly. One caveat: do not *casually* modify types that are used as config structs, and pay particular heed to the names-are-for-clients advice above. You may well have several different types that vary in only one or two fields: that certainly shouldn't result in consolidation to *one* type *alone*, but it may help you to discover a single type that is widely used on its own, and occasionally alongside one or two other parameters. Resist the temptation to consolidate so far that a type's validity depends upon its context. ### Defaults Are A Trap "OK", you think, "I will write a config struct, but it's a *terrible* hassle for the client to supply all these values, we *know* what task we're really doing, so we'll just accept nil values and insert `clock.WallClock`, or `"/var/lib/juju"`, or `defaultAttemptStrategy`, or whatever, as appropriate". This is wrong for several reasons: * you're smearing the client's responsibilities into what should be a context-agnostic tool * you're making it harder to validate client code, because it specifies a bare minimum and just trusts the implementation to do what it meant * you're privileging one use case (runtime, in the context you're currently imagining) over another current one (the tests)... *and* over all future uses to which your system might be put ...and it only rarely even aids readability, because the vast majority of types where it's easy to make this mistake are only constructed once or twice anyway. (When a type has many clients, the folly of defaults is more clearly pronounced, so they tend to slip away. Or, quite often, to remain in place, waiting to trip up someone who underconfigures the type in some new context and would *really* have appreciated an immediate "you didn't say how long to wait" error rather than discovering that you've picked a wildly inappropriate default.) Note that zero values are fine, encouraged even -- *so long as they are valid as such*. The go proverb is "make the zero value useful", and so you should: but a zero value that's magically interpreted as a non-zero value is *not* a "useful zero value", it's just in-band signalling and comes with all the usual drawbacks. Know the difference. (Sometimes you will create Foos over and over again in the same context, such that you only want to specify the important parameters at the point of use. It's fine to write a local `newFoo(params, subset)` func: just don't pollute the Foo implementation with your concerns. Similarly, if you're really sure that you *can* supply useful defaults: expose them as a package func returning a pre-filled config, and make it the client's *explicit* choice to defer configuration elsewhere.) ### Process Boundaries Are Borders To Hell * The stuff in the database will not be what you expect * The stuff stored on disk will not be what you expect * The server you talk to will not be what you expect * The client talking to you will not be what you expect Seriously. *Everything* you read should be assumed to be corrupt and/or out of date, and probably malicious to boot. Get used to it. In particular, don't *ever* serialize types that aren't *explicitly* designed for exactly the serialization you're performing. Once you serialize, you open up the likelihood that it'll be deserialized by a different version of the code; it is *unsafe* to read it into any type that even *could* be different. The juju codebase has serious problems here -- various api params types and mongodb doc types still include, e.g., structs defined in the charm package that could change at any time. This is also why you need to be obsessive about updating API versions as you change their capabilities and/or behaviour. It's hard enough communicating in the first place without worrying about whether the other side might support a field that got added without triggering a corresponding api change. ## Golang-specific Considerations Go and read Effective Go, it's full of useful stuff. But also read this. ### Interfaces Are Awesome They really, really are -- they create an environment in which creating (so)LID types is the path of least resistance. But while they are an exceptionally useful tool, they are *not* the right tool for *every* job, and injudiciously chosen interfaces can hamper understanding as much as good ones can aid it. #### Awesome Interfaces Are Small One method is a great size for an interface; 3 or 4 is probably perfectly decent; more than that and you're probably creating an interface to cover up for some bloated concrete type that you're replacing so you can test the recipient. And that's tolerable -- it's certainly progress -- but it's also quite possibly a missed opportunity. Imagine a config struct that currently references some horrible gnarly type: type Config struct { State *state.State Magic string } ...and an implementation that uses a bunch of methods, such that you extract the following interface to give (note: not real State methods, methods returning concrete types with unexported fields are a goddamn nightmare for testing and refactoring, this is heavily idealized for convenience): type Backend interface { ListUnits() ([]string, error) GetUnits([]string) ([]Unit, error) DestroyUnits([]string) error ListMachines() ([]string, error) GetMachines([]string) ([]Machine, error) DestroyMachines([]string) error } type Config struct { Backend Backend Magic string } This is great, because you can now test your implementation thoroughly by means of a mock implementing the Backend interface, but it's actually still pretty unwieldy. If we go a step further, though, according to the capabilities that are most intimately connected: type UnitBackend interface { ListUnits() ([]string, error) GetUnits([]string) ([]Unit, error) DestroyUnits([]string) error } type MachineBackend interface { ListMachines() ([]string, error) GetMachines([]string) ([]Machine, error) DestroyMachines([]string) error } type Config struct { Units UnitBackend Machines MachineBackend Magic string } ...the scope of the type's responsibilities is immediately clearer: the capabilities exposed to it are immediately clearer; and it's also easier to build more modular test scaffolding around particular areas. #### Separate Interfaces From Implementations If you see an interface defined next to a type that implements that interface, it's probably wrong; if you see a constructor that returns an interface instead of a concrete type, it's almost certainly wrong. That is to say: func NewThingWorker() (*ThingWorker, error) ...is much better than: func NewThingWorker() (worker.Worker, error) ...*even if* `ThingWorker` only exposes `Worker` methods. This is because interfaces are designed to hide behaviour, but we don't want to hide behaviour from our creator -- *she* needs to know everything we can do, and she's responsible for packaging up those capabilities neatly and delivering them where they're needed. If the above is too abstract: don't define an interface next to an implementation of that interface, otherwise you force people to import the implementation when all they need is the interface... (or, they just take the easier route and define their own interface, rendering yours useless). Aside: you will occasionally find yourself needing factory types or even funcs, which exist purely to *abstract* the construction of concrete types. These are not *quite* the same as constructors, so the advice doesn't apply; and it's boring but easy to wrap a constructor to return an interface anyway, and these sorts of funcs are verifiable by inspection: func NewFacade(apiCaller base.APICaller) (Facade, error) { facade, err := apithing.NewFacade(apiCaller) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } return facade, nil } func NewWorker(config Config) (worker.Worker, error) { worker, err := New(config) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } return worker, nil } ...to the point where you'll often see this sort of func deployed alongside a `dependency.Manifold`, tucked away in an untested `shim.go` to satisfy the higher goal of rendering the manifold functionality testable in complete isolation. #### *Super*-Awesome Interfaces Are Defined On Their Own If you've created an interface, or a few, with the pure clarity of, say, `io.Reader` et al, it's probably worth building a package around them. It'd be a good place for funcs that manipulate those types, and for documentation and discussion of best practice when implementing... and it *might* even have a couple of useful implementations... But you're not going to write something as generally useful as `io.Reader` -- or, at least, you're not going to get it right first time. It's like pattern mining: when a whole bunch of packages declare the same interfaces with the same semantics, that's a strong indication that it's a *super*-awesome abstraction and it might be a good idea to promote it. One implementation, one client, and a vision of the future? Not reason enough. Let the client define the interface, lightly shim if necessary, and let the implementation remain ignorant of what hoops it's jumping through. #### Awesome Interfaces Return Interfaces ...or fully-exported structs, at any rate. But the moment you define an *interface* method to return anything that can't be fully swapped out by an alternative implementation, you lose the freedom that interfaces give you. (And kinda miss the point of using interfaces in the first place.) But wait! Earlier, you said that constructors should return concrete types; I can think of 100 methods that are essentially doing just the same thing a constructor would. Is that really a bad idea? I'm not *sure*, but: yes, I think it is. Constructors want to be free funcs that explicitly accept all the context they need; *if* you later discover a situation where you need to pass around a construction capability, either on a factory interface or just as a factory func that returns an interface, it's trivial to implement a shim that calls the constructor you need -- and which is verifiably correct by inspection. #### Hidden-Nil Interface Values Will Ruin Your Day Smallest self-contained code sample I could think of (would have posted a playground link, but, huh, share button apparently not there): package main import ( "fmt" ) // Things have Names. type Thing interface { Name() string } // thing is a Thing. type thing struct { name string } func (thing *thing) Name() string { return thing.name } // SafePrint prints Thing Names safely. (Har har.) func SafePrint(thing Thing) { if thing != nil { fmt.Println(thing.Name()) } else { fmt.Println("oops") } } func main() { var thing0 = &thing{"bob"} var thing1 Thing var thing2 *thing SafePrint(thing0) // not nil, fine SafePrint(thing1) // nil, but fine SafePrint(thing2) // nil pointer, but non-nil interface: panic! } This is a strong reason to be unimaginatively verbose and avoid directly returning multiple results -- for example, if you're writing a shim for: func New() (*ThingWorker, error) ... to expose it as a worker.Worker: func NewWorker() (worker.Worker, error) { return New() } ...is a minor unexploded bomb just waiting for someone to make decisions based on `w != nil` rather than `err == nil` and, yay, panic. And, sure, they shouldn't do that: but you shouldn't introduce hidden nils. Always just go with the blandly verbose approach: func NewWorker() (worker.Worker, error) { worker, err := New() if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } return worker, nil } ...and, honestly, don't even take the shortcut when you're "sure" the func you're calling returns an interface. People change things, and the compiler won't protect you when someone fixes that constructor, far from your code. And for the same reason, *never* declare a func returning a concrete error type, it's ludicrously likely to get missed and wreck someone's day. Probably your own. #### Don't Downcast Or Type-Switch Or Reflect ...unless you *really* have to. And even then, look into what it'd take to rework your context to avoid it; and if/when defeated, be *painfully* pedantic about correctness. `default:` on every switch, `, ok` on every cast, and be prepared to spend several lines of code for every operation on a reflected value. (OK, there *are* legitimate uses for all these things -- but they're infrastructurey as anything, and intrinsically hairy and hard to understand; and really *really* best just avoided until you're backed into a corner that nobody can help you out of. Thanks.) ### Structs Are Pretty Cool Because structs are the underlying bones of an implementation, there are different sets of advice that apply more or less strongly in different circumstances -- it's hard to identify many practices that are inherently either bad or good -- but I've still got a few heuristics. #### Either Export Your Fields Or Don't ...but try to avoid mixing exported and unexported fields in the same struct. Any exported field could be written by anyone; any unexported field that's meant to be consistent with any exported one is thus at risk. Mixed exportedness also sends mixed messages to your collaborators -- they *can* create and change instances via direct access, but they don't have full control, and that's a bit worrying. Better to just decide whether your type is raw data (export it all) or a token representing internal state (hide fields, expose methods). #### If You Export Fields, Expose A `Validate() error` Method By exporting fields, you're indicating that collaborators can usefully use this type. If you're going to do that, it's only polite to let them validate what they're planning to do without forcing them to *actually do it* -- if, say, some complex operation spec requires a heavyweight renderer to run it, it's just rude to force your client to create that renderer before telling them the job never had a chance in the first place. And give it a value receiver to signal that it's not going to change the instance; and make a point of not changing anything, even if some of the fields are themselves references. In fact, more generally: #### If You Export Fields, You're A Value Type If you have methods, accept value receivers. If you're returning the type, return a value not a pointer. If you're accepting the type, accept a value not a pointer. If your type has exported maps or slices, beware, because they will not be copied nicely by default; make a point of copying them (*including* any nested reference types...) whenever your type crosses a boundary you control. ### Channels Are Awesome But Deadly They're fantastic, powerful, and *low-level*. Within a single narrow context, orchestrating requests and responses and updates and changes, there is no finer tool: but they *only* work right when both sides agree on how they're meant to be used, so they should not be *exposed* without great paranoid care. #### Channels Should Be Private In fact, almost the only channels you should ever see exported are `<-chan struct{}`s used to broadcast some single-shot event. They're pretty safe -- neither sender nor receiver has much opportunity to mess with the other. The other places you see them are basically all related to watchers of one class or another; we'll talk about them in the juju-specific bits further down. For now just be aware that they come with a range of interesting drawbacks. #### Channels Live In Select Statements It is *vanishingly rare* for it to be a good idea to unconditionally block on a channel, whether sending or receiving or ranging. That means you *absolutely* depend on your collaborators to act as you expect, and that's a bad idea -- mismatched expectations can leave you blocked forever, and you never want that. #### Buffers Are A Trap It is depressingly common for people to design subtly-flawed channel protocols... and respond to observed flakiness by buffering the channel. This leaves the algorithm exactly as flaky as before, but explodes the space of possible states and makes it orders of magnitude harder to debug. Don't do that. #### Naked Sends Into Buffers Are OK ...as long as they're locally verifiable by inspection. It's pretty rare to have a good reason to do this, but it can be tremendously useful in tests. ### Nil Channels Are Powerful ...because they go so nicely with select statements. There's a *very* common select-loop pattern in juju that looks something like: var out outChan var results []resultType for { select { case <-w.abort: return errAborted case value := <- w.in: results = append(results, value) out = w.out case out <- results: results = nil out = nil } } ...or, more concretely, for a goroutine-safe public method that invokes onto an internal goroutine: func (w *Worker) GetThing(name string) (Thing, error) { response := make(chan thingResponse) requests := w.thingRequests for { select { case <-w.catacomb.Dying(): return errors.New("worker stopping") case requests <- thingRequest{name, response}: requests = nil case result := <-response: if result.err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(result.err) } return result.thing, nil } } } Understand what it's doing, observe instances of it as you read the code, reach for channel-nilling as a tool of first resort when orchestrating communication between goroutines. It's interesting to compare these with lock-based approaches. A simple: w.mu.Lock() defer w.mu.Unlock() ...at the top of (most) exported methods *is* an effective way of synchronising access to a resource, at least to begin with; but it's not always easy to extend as the type evolves. Complex operations that don't *need* shared memory *all* the time end up with tighter locking; and then all internal methods require extra care to ensure they're always called with the same lock state (because any of them might be called from more than one place). And then maybe you're tempted into an attempt to orchestrate complex logic with *multiple* locks, which is *very very* hard to get right -- in large part because locks take away your ability to verify individual methods' correctness independent of their calling context. And that's dangerous for the same reason that globals are poisonous: the implicit factors affecting your code are much harder to track and reason about than the explicit ones. It's worth learning to think with channels. #### Channels Transfer Responsibility It's perfectly fine to send mutable things down channels -- *so long as* you immediately render yourself incapable of mutating that state. (Usually, you just set something to nil.) The result-aggregation example above (with `var results []resultType`) does exactly that: on the branch where results are successfully handed over to whatever's reading from `w.out`, we set `results = nil` not just to reset local state but to render it visibly impossible for the transfer to contribute to a new race condition. Similarly, once you get a value out of a channel you are solely responsible for it. Treat it as though you created it, and either tidy it up or hand responsibility on to something else. (Note: this is another reason not to buffer channels. Values sitting in channel buffers are in limbo; you're immediately depending on non-local context to determine whether those values ever get delivered, and that renders debugging and analysis needlessly brain-melting. Merely knowing that a value has been delivered does *not* imply it's been handled, of course: the analysis remains non-trivial, but at least it's tractable.) #### Channels Will Mess You Up This is just by way of a reminder: misused channels can and will panic or block forever. Neither outcome is acceptable. Only if you treat them with actual thought and care will you see the benefits. ### Know What References Cost ...and remember that maps and slices are references too. This is really an extension of the attitude that informs no-globals: every reference that leaves your control, whether as a parameter or a result, should be considered suspect -- *anyone* can change it, from any goroutine, from arbitrarily distant code. So, especially for raw/pure data: the cost of copying structs is *utterly negligible* anyway, and is *vastly* cheaper than the dev time wasted tracking down -race reports (if you're lucky) or weird unreproducible runtime corruption (if you're not). Evidently, you often *do* need to pass references around, and probably most of your methods will still take pointer receivers: don't twist your code to avoid pointers. But be acutely aware of the costs of radically enlarging the scope that can affect your data. If you're dealing with dumb data -- maps, slices, plain structs -- strongly prefer to copy them rather than allow any other component to share access to them. ### Errors Are Important Really, they are. You'll see a lot of variations on a theme of: if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } ...but those variations are important, and often quite interesting. For example, that form implies that it's seeing a "can't-happen" error -- one completely outside the code's capacity to handle. It's so common precisely *because* most code is not designed to handle every possible error (and it shouldn't be!). But what it *does* need is to be mindful of everything that could go wrong; and those error stanzas punctuate the flow of code by delineating the points at which things *could* go wrong, and thus leaving you in the best possible position to design robust, resumable algorithms. And, of course, it's in the variation that you see actual error *handling*. One particular error in this context implies inconsistent state: push that up a level for possible retry. Another means that we've already completed the task, continue to skip ahead to the next entry. Etc etc. Yes: errors are for flow control. Everyone says not to use exceptions for flow control, conveniently forgetting that that's exactly what they do; the trouble is only that it's such an opaque mechanism to casual inspection that sane use of exceptions *requires* that you tightly proscribe how they're used (just like sane use of `panic`/`recover`, it would seem...). By putting the error-handling front and centre, Golang puts you in a position where you both can and must decide what to do based on your errors; the error stanza is an *intentional* evocation of "I cannot handle this condition", where a mere failure to `try:` may or may not be deliberate. And yeah, it's repetitive, nobody likes that: but a lot of what's great about Golang comes from its steadfast refusal to add magic just to reduce boilerplate. #### Nobody Understands Unknown Errors When you get an unknown error, that signals one thing and one thing only: that you *do not know what happened*. I'll say it again, for emphasis, because understanding this is so desperately critical to writing code that behaves properly in challenging circumstances: **An unknown error means you DO NOT KNOW what happened.** In particular: an operation that returns an unknown error has **NOT** (necessarily) **FAILED**. Seriously! This is important! When you get an error you don't recognise, all you know is that you *do not know what's going on* -- to proceed assuming *either* success *or* failure will sometimes be wrong. (Yes, *usually* it's harmless to assume failure -- that is certainly the common case. But the weirdest bugs live in the shadows of the assumptions you don't even know you're making, and this is a really common mistake.) The *only* safe thing to do with an unknown error is to *stop what you're doing* and *report it up the chain*. If you're familiar with languages that use exceptions, you should already be comfortable with this approach; you know that, for example, `except: pass` is a Bad Idea, and you know that as soon as an error happens you'll stop what you're doing because the exception machinery will enforce that. The thing further up the chain then gets to decide whether to retry or to report it further; this is situational, but you generally shouldn't have to worry about it while you're writing the code that might be retried. (If you follow the juju-specific advice below then your workers will always be retried anyway. You might at some point decide you need finer-grained retry logic; this might be OK, but be *sure* you need it before you dive in, it's hard to write and hard to test.) #### Nobody Understands Transient Errors It is tediously common for developers, faced with a reliability problem, to start off by thinking "well, we need to detect transient errors". If you do that, you've already screwed up: you're slicing the set of all possible errors along the wrong line, and implicitly placing the infinitude of unknown errors in the set of "permanent" errors; you thus doom yourself to a literally Sisyphean task of repeatedly discovering that there's *one more* error characteristic that you should treat as a signal of transience. What you actually have to do is assume that *all* errors are transient until/unless you know otherwise: that is, your job is to detect and handle or report the *permanent* errors, the ones that stand no chance of being addressed without out-of-band intervention. There will probably still be cases you miss, so it doesn't guarantee that your error handling will stand unchanged forever; but what it *does* mean is that your component can be fairly resilient in the face of reality, and might not develop a reputation for collapsing in a useless heap every time it encounters a new situation. As noted above, juju has mechanisms for taking these issues off your plate: see discussion of `dependency.Engine` in particular. #### Trace Errors With Abandon Tracebacks are a crutch to work around unsophisticated error design. Sadly nobody really seems to know how to design errors so nicely as to work around the need for *something* to tell you what code generated the error; so, pretty much always, return the `errors.Trace` of an error. (There *are* situations when a Trace is not quite ideal: consider `worker.Worker.Wait`, which is *reporting* an error from another context rather than *returning* an error from a failed operation. But the annoyance of extra traces pales into insignificance beside that of *missing* traces, so the two-word advice is "always Trace".) #### Annotate Errors With Caution Imagine you're a user, and you try to do something, and you see something like this. ERROR: cannot add unit riak/3: cannot assign "riak/3" to machine "7": machine 7 no longer alive: not found: machine 7: machine not found. Horrible, innit? Inconsistent, stuttery, verbose... alarmingly familiar. We have a couple of ways to avoid this; one is to always test exact error messages instead of hiding the gunk away behind `.*`s, but that only goes so far, because our tests are less and less full-stacky these days and many of the contributing components are not participating in the unit tests. It can save individual components from the shame of contributing, at least, and that counts for something. The other option, which can feel terribly unnatural, but seems to have good results in practice, is to *staunchly* resist the temptation to include any context that is known to your *client*. So, say you're implementing `AssignUnitToMachine(*Unit, *Machine)`, it is *not your job* to tell the client that you "cannot assign" anything: the client already knows what you're trying to do. For this to work, though, you have to recognise the precise seams in your application where you *do* need to insert context, and this is essentially the same "good error design" problem that humans don't really seem to have cracked yet. It also suffers badly from needing the whole chain of error handling to be written in that style: i.e. the choice between `Trace` and `Annotate` is not verifiable by local inspection alone. The *important* thing is that you *think* about the errors you're producing, and remain aware that eventually some poor user will see it and have to figure out what they need to do. #### React To *Specific Causes* The `github.com/juju/errors` package is great at what it does, but it includes a few pre-made error types (`NotFound`, `NotValid`, `AlreadyExists`, etc) that are potential traps. They're all fine to *use*, but you need to be aware that by choosing *such* a generic error you're effectively saying "nobody but a user can usefully react to this". Why's that? *Because* they're so general, and anyone can feel reasonably justified in creating them, heedless of the chaos they can cause if misinterpreted. If you're seeing a `CodeNotFound` out of the apiserver, does that *necessarily* mean that the entity you were operating on was not found? Or does it mean that some other associated entity was not found? Or even, why not, some useful intermediate layer lost track of some implementation detail and informed you via a `NotFound`? You don't know, and you can't know, what your future collaborators will do: your best bet, then, is to react only to the most precise errors you can. `errors.IsNotFound(err)` could mean anything; but if you see an `errors.Cause(err) == foobar.ErrNotBazQuxed` you can be as certain as it's actually possible to be that the real problem is as stated. (It's true that collaborators *could* still bamboozle you with inappropriate errors -- but an `errors.NotFoundf` in `package foo` is never going to ring alarms the way a `totallydifferentpackage.ErrSomethingOrOther` will. At least you've got a *chance* of spotting the latter.) Note also that the `errors.IsFoo` funcs are subtly misnamed: they're really `IsCausedByFoo`. This is nice and helpful *but* some packages declare their own `IsFoo` funcs, for their own errors, and *don't* necessarily check causes. Therefore, helpful as the errors package's default behaviour may be, don't rely on it -- it's a habit that will eventually steer you invisibly wrong. When handling errors, *always* extract the `Cause` and react to that; only if no special handling is appropriate should you fall back to returning a `Trace` of the original error. ## Juju-specific Heuristics The overarching concept of Juju is that the user describes the model they want, and we wrangle reality to make it so. This overriding force shapes *everything we do*, and failure to pay attention to it causes serious problems. This section explores the impact of this approach on the code you have to write. ### User operations must be *simple* and *valid* What does that imply? First of all, it implies that user actions need to be *simple* and *easy to validate*. Deploy a service, add a machine, run an action, upgrade a charm: all these things can and should be represented as the simplest possible record of user intent. That's the easy bit -- so long as we're careful with mgo/txn, individual user operations either happen or don't. Screwing that bit up will break your feature from the word go, though, so please keep it in mind. You must validate the changes sent by the client, but you *must not* depend on the client for any further input or clarification, because **EVERYTHING FAILS** and if you rely on the client sticking around to complete some process you will end up stuck with inconsistent data in some paying client's production DB, and you will have a Very Bad Day, replete with opportunities to make it Much Much Worse. Those days are *almost* as fun as they sound. ### Agent operations must be *resilient* So, there are hard constraints we must not violate, but the user-input problem is well bounded -- client, server, DB, done. Everything else that juju does is happening in the real world, where networks go down and processes die and disks fill up and senior admins drop hot coffee down server vents... i.e. where **EVERYTHING FAILS** and we somehow have to make a million distinct things happen in the right order to run, e.g., a huge openstack deployment on varying hardware. So, beyond the initial write of user intent to the DB, *all* the code that's responsible for massaging reality into compliance has to be prepared to retry, again and again, forever if necessary. This sounds hard, and it *is* really hard to write components that retry all possible failures, and it's a bloody *nightmare* to test them properly. So: don't do that. It's a significant responsibility, and mixing it into every type we write, as we happen to remember or not, is a prescription for failure. Thankfully, you actually *don't* have to worry about this in the usual course of development; the only things you have to do are: * (make sure your task is resumable/idempotent, which it always has to be whatever else you do, because **EVERYTHING FAILS**) * encapsulate your task in a type that implements worker.Worker, and make a point of failing out immediately at the slightest provocation * run it inside some agent's dependency.Engine, which will restart the task when it fails; and relax in the knowledge that the engine will also be restarted if it fails, or at least that it's not *your* problem if it isn't, and it will be addressed elsewhere ...and they're completely separable tasks, so you can address them one by one and move forward with confidence in each part. Remember, though, if you eschew any above step... you *will* have trouble. This is because, in case you forgot, **EVERYTHING FAILS** and sooner or later your one-shot thing will be the one to fail, and you will find that, whoops, having things happen reliably and in a sensible order isn't quite as simple as it sounds; and if you have any sense you will get your one-shots under proper management and devote your effort to making your particular task idempotent or at least resumable, rather than re-re-reinventing the reliability wheel and coming up with a charming new variation on the pentagon, which is a waste of everyone's time. ### time.Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent You remember the thing about global variables? They're really just an example of *mutable global state*, which `time.Now` and `time.After` and so on hook into. And if you depend on this particular mutable state, you will write poor tests, because they will be inherently and inescapably timing-dependent, and forever trying to balance reliability with speed. That's a terrible situation to be in: tests absolutely require *both* properties, and it's a strategic error to place them in opposition to one another. So: always, *always*, **always** configure your code with an explicit `clock.Clock`. You can supply `clock.WallClock` in production (it's one of those globals that we are slowly but surely migrating towards the edges...), but your tests *must* use a `*testing.Clock`; and use its `Alarms()` method to synchronise with the SUT (you'll get one event on that channel for every `Now()`, `NewTimer()`, and `Timer.Reset()` backed by the `*testing.Clock`; you can use this to ensure you only `Advance()` the clock when you know it's waiting). (You will find loads of old code that *is* timing-dependent, and loads of bad tests that do terribad things like patch a global delay var to, say, 10ms, and set off a chain of events and wait, uhh, 50ms, and verify that, well, between 3 and 7 things triggered in that time so on the balance of probability it's probably OK to- **NO** it is *not OK*!) But with a proper testing clock, you can set up and test *sensible* scenarios like, say, a 24h update-check schedule; and you can verify that waiting for 23:59:59.999999999 does *not* trigger, and waiting for 24h *does*. Checking boundary conditions is always a good idea. ### worker.Worker Is A Sweet Ass-Abstraction Just two methods: `Kill()`, and `Wait() error`. Kill gives control of a lifetime; Wait informs you of its end; the two are intimately linked, and indeed sometimes used together, but each in fact stands effectively alone (it is very common to find Kill and Wait invoked from different goroutines). The interface binds them together mainly just because *you* have to implement both of them to be valuable, even if some particular clients only *actually* need you for Kill alone, for example. You will find yourself implementing a lot of workers, and that the Kill and Wait methods are the purest one-line boilerplate each: func (w *Worker) Kill() { w.catacomb.Kill(nil) } func (w *Worker) Wait() error { return w.catacomb.Wait() } ...and that if you follow the advice on writing workers and config structs found in the wiki, your constructor will be pretty boilerplatey itself: func New(config Config) (*Worker, error) { if err := config.Validate(); err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } worker := &Worker{ config: config, other: make(someRuntimeFieldPerhaps), } err := catacomb.Invoke(catacomb.Plan{ Site: &worker.catacomb, Work: worker.loop, }) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Trace(err) } return worker, nil } ...leaving all the hard and/or situation-specific work to your `loop() error` func (and anything else it calls). See `go doc ./worker/catacomb` for further discussion of effective worker lifetime management. Also, when writing workers, use the `workertest` package. `CleanKill`, `DirtyKill`, `CheckKilled` and `CheckAlive` are all one-liners that will protect you from the consequences of many easy mistakes in SUT or test. ### Use dependency.Engine And catacomb.Catacomb See `go doc ./worker/catacomb` and `go doc ./worker/dependency` for details; the TLDRs are roughly: * `dependency.Engine` allows you to run a network of interdependent tasks, each of which is represented by a `dependency.Manifold` which knows how to run the task, and what resources are needed to do so. * Tasks are started in essentially random order, and restarted when any of their dependencies either starts or stops; or when they themselves stop. This converges pretty quickly towards a stable set of workers running happily; and (sometimes) a few that are consistently failing, and all of whose dependents are dormant (waiting to be started with an available dependency). * Two tasks that need to *share* information in some way should generally *not* depend on one another: they should share a dependency on a resource that represents the channel of communication between the two. (The direction of information flow is independent of the direction of dependency flow, if you like.) * However, you *can* simplify workers that depend on mutable configuration, by making them a depend upon a resource that supplies that information to clients, but also watches for changes, and bounces itself when it sees a material difference from its initial state (thus triggering dependent bounces and automatic reconfiguration with the fresh value). See `worker/lifeflag` and `worker/migrationflag` for examples; and see `worker/environ` for the Tracker implementation (mentioned above) which takes advantage of `environs.Environ` being goroutine-safe to share a single value between clients and update it in the background, thus avoiding bounces. * You *might* want to run your own `dependency.Engine`, but you're rather more likely to need to add a task to the `Manifolds` func in the relevant subpackages of `cmd/jujud/agent` (depending on what agent the task needs to run in). ...and: * `catacomb.Catacomb` allows you to robustly manage the lifetime of a `worker.Worker` **and** any number of additional non-shared Workers. * See the boilerplate in the worker.Worker section, or the docs, for how to invoke it. * To *use* it effectively, remember that it's all about responsibility transfer. `Add` takes *unconditional* responsibility for a supplied worker: if the catacomb is `Kill`ed, so will be that worker; and if worker stops with an error, the catacomb will itself be `Kill`ed. * This means that worker can register private resources and forget about them, rather than having to worry about their lifetimes; and conversely it means that those resources need implement *only* the worker interface, and can avoid having to leak lifetime information via inappropriate channels (literally). Between them, they seem to cover most of the tricky situations that come up when considering responsibility transfer for workers; and since you can represent just about any time-bounded resource as a worker, they make for a generally useful system for robustly managing resources that exist in memory, at least. #### All Our Manifolds Are In The Wrong Place ...because they're in worker packages, alongside the workers, and thus severely pollute the context-independence of the workers, which can and should stand alone. The precise purpose of a manifold is to encapsulate a worker for use in a *specific context*: one of the various agent dependency engines. It's at the manifold level that we define the input resources, and at the manifold level that we (should) filter worker-specific errors and render them in a form appropriate to the context. (For example, some workers sometimes return `dependency.ErrMissing` or `dependency.ErrUninstall` -- this is, clearly, a leak of engine-specific concerns into the wrong context. The worker should return, say, `local.ErrCannotRun`: and the manifold's filter should convert that appropriately, because it's only at that level that it makes sense to specify the appropriate response. The worker really shouldn't know it's running in a `dependency.Engine` at all.) Next time someone has a moment while doing agent work, they should just dump all the manifold implementations in appropriate subpackages of `./cmd/jujud/agent` and see where that takes us. Will almost certainly be progress... ### Use Watchers But Know What You're Doing Juju uses a lot of things called watchers, and they aren't always consistent. Most of the time, the word refers to a type with a Changes channel, from which a single client can receive a stream of events; the semantics may vary but the main point of a watcher is to represent changing state in a form convenient for a select loop. There are two common forms of watcher, distinguished by whether they implement the interface defined in the `./watcher` package, or the one defined in the `./state` package. All your workers should be using the former, and they should be used roughly like this: func (w *Worker) loop() error { watch, err := w.config.Facade.Watch() if err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } if err := w.catacomb.Add(watch); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } for { select { case <-w.catacomb.Dying(): return w.catacomb.ErrDying() case value, ok := <-watch.Changes(): if !ok { return errors.New("watcher closed channel") } if err := w.handle(value); err != nil { return errors.Trace(err) } } } } (note that nice clean responsibility transfer to catacomb) ...but even the state watchers, which close their channels when they stop and cause a surprising amount of semantic mess by doing so, share a fundamental and critical feature: #### Watchers Send Initial Events Every watcher has a Changes channel; no watcher should be considered functional until it's delivered one event on that channel. That event is the baseline against which subsequent changes should be considered to be diffs; it's the point at which you can read the value under observation and know for sure that the watcher will inform you at least once if it changes. One useful feature of the initial events, exemplified in the watching worker example above, is that the loop doesn't need to distinguish between the first event and any others: every event *always* indicates that you should read some state and respond to it. If you're handling "initial" data differently to subsequent events you're almost certainly doing at least one of them wrong. A lot of watchers send only `struct{}`s, indicating merely that the domain under observation is no longer guaranteed to be the same as before; several more deliver `[]string`s identifying entities/domains that are no longer guaranteed to have the same state as before; others deliver different information, and some even include (parts of) the state under observation packaged up for client consumption. This technique is tempting but usually ends up slightly janky in practice, for a few relatively minor reasons that seem to add up to the level of actual annoyance: * you almost always need a representation for "nothing there right now", which yucks up the type you need to send (vs notification of existence change like any other, and nonexistence notified on read with the same errors you'd always have). * the more complex the data you send, the harder it is to aggregate events correctly at any given layer; trivial notifies, though, can be safely compressed at any point and still work as expected. * any data you send will be potentially degraded by latency, and you might need to worry about that in the client; pure notifications are easier to get right, because the handler *always* determines what to do by requesting fresh domain state. * the more opinionated the data you send, the less useful it is to future clients (and the more likely you are to implement *almost* the same watcher 5 times for 5 clients, and to only fix the common bug in 3 or 4 of them), and, well, it's just asking for trouble unless you already understand *exactly* what data you're going to need. * you really don't understand exactly what data you're going to need, and a watcher format change is almost certainly an api change, and you don't need that hassle as well. If you get a notify watcher wrong, so it doesn't watch quite enough stuff, you can easily fix the bug by associating a new notifywatcher to handle the data you missed. (those events might be a tad enthusiastic at times, but your clients all signed up for at-least-once -- you're not breaking any contracts -- and you're also free to sub in a tighter implementation that still-more-closely matches the desired domain when it becomes useful to do so.) In short, notifications are a lot easier to tune as your understanding grows. Regardless, even if you do end up in a situation where you want to send data-heavy events, make sure you still send initial events. You're pretty free to decide what changes you want to report; but you're not free to skip the initial sync that your clients depend on to make use of you. #### State Watchers Are Tricky For one, they implement the evil watcher interface that closes their channel, and it's hard to rearchitect matters to fix this; for another, they use the *other* layer of watching I haven't mentioned yet, and that drags in a few other unpleasant concerns. The most important thing to know when writing a state watcher is that you *have* to play nice with the underlying substrate (implemented in `state/watcher`, and with whom you communicate by registering and unregistering channels) otherwise *you can block all its other clients*. Yes, that is both bizarre and terrifying, but there's not much we can do without serious rework; for the moment, just make sure you (1) aggregate incoming watcher events before devoting any processing power to handling them and (2) keep your database accesses (well, anything that keeps you out of your core select loop) to an *absolute minimum*. This is another reason to implement notification watchers by default -- everything you do in the process of converting the document-level change notification stream into Something Else increases the risk you run of disrupting the operation of other watchers in the same system. Merely turning the raw stream into business-logic-level change notifications is quite enough responsibility for one type, and there is depressingly little to be gained from making this process any more complex or error-prone than it already is. (Also, mgo has the entertaining property of panicking when used after the session's been closed; and state watcher lifetimes are not cleanly associated with the lifetime of the sessions they might copy if they were to read from the DB at just the wrong moment: e.g. while handling an event delivered *just* before the underlying watcher was killed (after which we have no guarantee of db safety). And the longer you spend reading, the worse it potentially is. Be careful, and for goodness' sake dont *write* anything in a watcher.) #### The Core Watcher Is A Lie It's just polling every 5s and spamming a relevant subset of what it sees to all the channels the watchers on the next layer up have registered with it. This is, ehh, not such a big deal -- it's sorta dirty and inelegant and embarrassing, but it's worked well enough for long enough that I think it's demonstrated its adequacy. However, it plays merry hell with your tests if they're using a real watcher under the hood, because the average test will take *much* less than 5s to write a change it expects to see a reaction to, and the infrastructure won't consider it worth mentioning for almost a full 5s, which is too long by far. So, `state.State` has a `StartSync` method that gooses the watcher into action. If you're testing a state watcher directly, just `StartSync` the state you used to create it; and when triggering syncs in JujuConnSuite tests, use the suite's `BackingState` field to trigger watchers for the controller model, and go via the `BackingStatePool` to trigger hosted watcher syncs. Sorry :(. ## Feature-Specific Heuristics When you're trying to get juju to do something new, you'll need to write code to cover a lot of responsibilities. Most of them are relatively easy to discharge, but you still have to do *something* -- not much will happen by magic. There's a lengthy discussion of the layers and proto-layers that exist in juju in the "Managing Complexity" doc in the wiki; this won't cover the exact same ground, so go and read that too. ### Know What You Are Modelling You've probably been given a description of the feature that describes a subset of the desired UX, and doesn't really cover anything else. This is both a blessing and a curse; it gives you freedom to write good internal models, but obscures what those models need to contain. You'll know the maxim "every problem has a solution that is simple, obvious, and wrong"? That applies here in *spades*. There is information that the user wants to see; and there is data that you need to persist: and the two are almost certainly *not* actually the same, even once you've eliminated any substrate-specific storage details. (I like to point people at http://thecodelesscode.com/case/97 -- but that really only touches on the general problem.) It only gets harder when you have a feature that's exposed to two entirely different classes of user -- i.e. the things we expose to charmers should *almost certainly* not map precisely to the things we expose to users. They're different people with different needs, working in *very* different contexts; any model tuned to the needs of one group will shortchange the other. So, what do we do? We understand that whatever we expose to a user is inherently a "view" (think MVC), and that what we *model* probably both wants and needs to be a bit more sophisticated. After all, what is our *job* if not to package up messy reality and render it comprehensible to our users? ### YAGNI... But, Some Things You Actually Will Of course, your model *will* grow and evolve with your feature; don't try to anticipate every user request. Know that there *will* be changes, but don't imagine you know what they'll be: just try to keep it clean and modular to the extent that you can in service of future updates. However, there are some things that you *do* need to do even if no user explicitly requests them; and which are *very* hard to tack on after the fact. Specifically: **you must write consistent data** to mongodb. This is not optional; and nor, sadly, is it easy. You might be used to fancy schmancy ACID transactions: we don't have none of that here. There's plenty of documentation of its idiosyncracies -- see doc/hacking-state.txt, and the "MongoDB and Consistency" and "mgo/txn example" pages on the wiki, not to mention the package's own documentation; so **please** read and understand all that **before** you try to write persistence code. And if you understand it all just by reading it, and you are not chilled to the bone, you are either a prodigous genius or a fool-rushing-in. Make sure that any state code you write is reviewed by someone who understands the context enough to fear it. Bluntly: you need referential integrity. It's a shame you don't get it for free, but if you're landing even a *single branch* that does not fulfil these responsibilities, you are setting us up for the sort of failure that requires live DB surgery to fix. "Usually works under easy conditions" is not good enough: you need to shoot for "still acts sensibly in the face of every adverse condition I can subject it to", by making use of the tools (`SetBeforeHooks` et al) that give you that degree of control. ### Model Self-Consistent Concepts Don't implement creation without deletion. Don't make your getters return a different type from that accepted by your setters. Don't expose methods at different abstraction levels on the same type. I'm not quite sure what the common thread of those mistakes is, but I think it often flows from a failure to reset perspective. You're implementing a user-facing feature, and you write an apiserver facade with a CreateFoo method, and you want to register and expose it to finish your card so you just implement the minimum necessary in state to satisfy today's requirements and you move on, unheeding of the technical debt you have lumbered the codebase with. Where did you go wrong? By registering your apiserver code, and thus creating a hard requirement for an implementation, which you then half-assed to get it to land. You should have taken it, reviewed it, landed it; and realigned your brain to working in the state layer, before starting a fresh branch with (1) background knowledge of an interface you'll want to conform to but (2) your mental focus on asking "how does the persistence model need to change in order to accommodate this new requirement and remain consistent". And you should probably land *that* alone too; and only register the apiserver facade in a separate branch, at which point you can do any final spit and polish necessary to align interface and implementation. (If you're changing a facade that's already registered, you can't do that; but if you're changing a facade that's already registered you are Doing It Wrong because you are knowingly breaking compatibility. Even just adding to a facade should be considered an api version change, because clients have a right to be able to know if a method is there -- or a parameter will be handled, or a result field will be set -- just by looking at the version. Forcing them to guess is deeply deeply unhelpful.) ### Internal Facades Map To Roles If you're designing an API that will be used by some worker running in an agent somewhere, design your facade *for that worker* and implement your authorization to allow only (the agent running) that worker access. If multiple workers need the same capabilities, expose those capabilities on multiple facades; but implement the underlying functionality just once, and specialize them with facade-specific authorization code. For example, see `apiserver/lifeflag`, which is implemented entirely by specializing implementations in `apiserver/common`. (Note that `apiserver/common` is way bloated already: don't just mindlessly add to it, instead extract capabilities into their own subpackages. And if you can think of a better namespace for this functionality -- `apiserver/capabilities` perhaps? I'd be very much open to changing it.) This is important so we have some flexibility in how we arrange responsibilities -- it allows us to move a worker from one place to another and reintegrate it by *only* changing that facade's auth expectations; you don't have to worry about creating ever-more-complex (and thus likely-to-be-insecure) auth code for a facade that serves multiple masters. ### External Facades Are More Like Microservices They're all running in one process, but the choices informing their grouping should be made from the same perspective. In particular, you should try to group methods such that related things change at the same time, so that you avoid triggering api-wide version bumps. For example, a Service facade and a Machine facade will contain service- or machine- specific functionality, but neither should contain functionality shared with the other. For example, status information: a Status facade that lets you get detailed statuses for any set of tag-identified entities is a much better idea than implementing Status methods on each entity- specific facade, because then you're free to evolve status functionality without churning all the other facade api versions. The fact that they're still all talking to the same monolithic state implementation underneath is a bit of a shame, maybe, but it will do us no harm to structure our public face after the architecture we'd like rather than the one we have. ### All Facades Are Attack Vectors Remember, controllers are stuffed with delicious squishy client secrets: i.e. lots of people's public cloud credentials, which are super-useful if you ever feel like, say, running a botnet. Compromised admins are an obvious problem, but most will expose only their own credentials; compromised *controller* admins are a much worse problem, but we can't directly address that in code: that leaves us with compromised *agents*, which are a very real threat. Consider the size of the attack surface, apart from anything else. Every unit we deploy runs third-party code in the form of the charm; *and* of the application it's running; and *either* of those could be insecure or actively malicious, and could plausibly take complete control of the machine it's running on, and perfectly impersonate the deployed agent. That is: you should *assume* that any agent you deploy is compromised, and avoid exposing any capabilities *or information* that is not *required* by one of the workers that you *independently* know *should* be running in that agent. Honestly, "never trust the client" remains good advice at every scale and in every domain I can think of so far: it's another of those know-it-in-your-bones things. (Yes, *any* information, even if you currently believe that some colocated worker will already have access to that information. Workers do occasionally move, and the flexibility is valuable; we'd rather they didn't leave inappropriate capabilities around when they leave.) So, be careful when writing facades; and when investigating existing one, be sensitive to the possibility that they might be overly permissive; and take all reasonable opportunities to tighten them up. Let `ErrPerm` be your watchword; you may find it helpful to imagine yourself in the persona of a small-minded and hate-filled minor bureaucrat, gleefully stamping **VOID** on everything within reach. ### All Facades Should Accept Bulk Arguments Please, JFDI. It's not actually hard: you expose, say, a `Foobar` method that accepts the bulk args and loops over them to check validity and authorization; and then it hands the acceptable ones on to an internal `oneFoobar` method that does the specific work. (Or, if you have an opportunity to improve performance by doing the internal work in bulk, you can take that opportunity directly without changing the API.) There are several reasons to prefer bulk arguments: * if all your args are bulk, nobody needs to remember which ones are * implementing your apiserver/common capabilities in bulk makes them easier to reuse in the cases where you do need bulk args * those cases are more common than you might think -- and even if you don't strictly *need* them in any given instance, that's often just a failure of imagination. Consider, for example, *any* agent worker that deals with a set of entities. deployer, provisioner, firewaller, uniter, probably a bunch of others. They're pretty much all seeing lists of entities and then processing them one by one: check life, read some other data, handle them. And this sucks! We really would kinda like to be able to scale a bit: when you get 100 machines and you want to know all of their life values and provisioning info, it is ludicrous to make 200 requests instead of 2. And because we already implemented a bulk `common.LifeGetter` you can get that for free; and because you then implemented, say, `common/provisioning.Getter`, then the next person who needs to divest the provisioner of some of its too-many responsibilities will be able to reuse that part, easily, in its own Facade. (And she'll also thank you for having moved `common.LifeGetter` to `common/life.Getter`, which you did because you are a good and conscientious person, alongside whom we are all proud to work.) ### CLI Commands Must Not Be Half-Assed They're *what our users see*. For $importantThing's sake, please, think them through. Consider expectations, and conventions, and just about every possible form of misuse you can imagine. In particular, misunderstanding the nature of the cmd.Command interface will trip you up and lead to you badly undertesting your commands. They have *multiple responsibilities*: they are responsible both for *interpreting user intent*, by parsing arguments, and by *executing* that intent by communicating with a controller and one or more of its external facades. Both of these responsibilities are important, and conflating them makes your life harder: the fact that it's convenient to put the two responsibilities into a single type does not necessarily make it sensible to erase their distinctions when validating how they work. So, strongly consider extracting an *exported, embedded* type that implements Run on its own; and using SetFlags and Init purely to configure that type. You can then exercise your arg-parsing in detail, and ensure it only generates valid Run types; and exercise your Run method in detail, secure that it can't be affected by any internal state that the SetFlags/Init phase might have set. (Composition FTW!) #### CLI Implementation Thoughts **DO NOT USE GLOBAL VARIABLES** (like os.Stdout and os.Stderr). You're supplied with a cmd.Context; use it, and test how it's used. Also: * your Info params should be documented consistently with the rest of the codebase; don't include options, they're generated automatically. * stderr is for telling a human what's going on; stdout is for machine-consumable results. don't mix them up. * if you write to stdout, make sure you implement a --format flag and accept both json and yaml. (don't write your own, see cmd.Output) * positional args should generally not be optional: if something's optional, represent it as an option. * positional args *can* be optional, I suppose, but basically *only* when we decide that the rest of the command is in a position to perfectly infer intent; and that decision should not be taken too lightly. Before accepting it, come up with a clear reason why it shouldn't be an option with a default value, and write that down somewhere: in the comments, at least, if not the documentation. ...and again, please, test this stuff to absolute destruction. Determining user intent is *quite* hard enough a problem without mixing execution concerns in.