juju wait-for_machine
See also: [wait-for model](#wait-for model), [wait-for application](#wait-for application), [wait-for unit](#wait-for unit)
Wait for a machine to reach a specified state.
juju wait-for machine [options] [<id>]
Flag |
Default |
Usage |
false |
Do not use web browser for authentication |
Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID> |
life==”alive” && status==”started” |
query the goal state |
true |
output a summary of the application query on exit |
10m0s |
how long to wait, before timing out |
Waits for a machine to be created and started.
juju wait-for machine 0 --query='life=="alive" && status=="started"'
The wait-for machine command waits for a machine to reach a goal state. The goal state can be defined programmatically using the query DSL (domain specific language). The default query for a machine just waits for the machine to be created and started.
The wait-for command is an optimized alternative to the status command for determining programmatically if a goal state has been reached. The wait-for command streams delta changes from the underlying database, unlike the status command which performs a full query of the database.
Multiple expressions can be combined to define a complex goal state.