juju wait-for_application

See also: [wait-for model](#wait-for model), [wait-for machine](#wait-for machine), [wait-for unit](#wait-for unit)


Wait for an application to reach a specified state.


juju wait-for application [options] [<name>]





-B, --no-browser-login


Do not use web browser for authentication

-m, --model

Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID>


life==”alive” && status==”active”

query the goal state



output a summary of the application query on exit



how long to wait, before timing out


Waits for 4 units to be present.

juju wait-for application ubuntu --query='len(units) == 4'

Waits for all the application units to start with ubuntu and to be created and available.

juju wait-for application ubuntu --query='forEach(units, unit => unit.life=="alive" && unit.status=="available" && startsWith(unit.name, "ubuntu"))'


The wait-for application command waits for the application to reach a goal state. The goal state can be defined programmatically using the query DSL (domain specific language). The default query for an application just waits for the application to be created and active.

The wait-for command is an optimized alternative to the status command for determining programmatically if a goal state has been reached. The wait-for command streams delta changes from the underlying database, unlike the status command which performs a full query of the database.

The application query DSL can be used to programmatically define the goal state for machines and units within the scope of the application. This can be achieved by using lambda expressions to iterate over the machines and units associated with the application. Multiple expressions can be combined to define a complex goal state.