juju storage-pools
See also: create-storage-pool, remove-storage-pool
List storage pools.
Flag |
Default |
Usage |
false |
Do not use web browser for authentication |
tabular |
Specify output format (json|tabular|yaml) |
Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID> |
Only show pools with these names |
Specify an output file |
Only show pools of these provider types |
List all storage pools:
juju storage-pools
List only pools of type kubernetes, azure, ebs:
juju storage-pools --provider kubernetes,azure,ebs
List only pools named pool1 and pool2:
juju storage-pools --name pool1,pool2
The user can filter on pool type, name.
If no filter is specified, all current pools are listed. If at least 1 name and type is specified, only pools that match both a name AND a type from criteria are listed. If only names are specified, only mentioned pools will be listed. If only types are specified, all pools of the specified types will be listed.
Both pool types and names must be valid. Valid pool types are pool types that are registered for Juju model.