In Juju, certain fundamental state entities have “lifecycles”. These entities are:
…and there are only 3 possible states for the above things:
Alive (An entity is Alive when it is first created.)
Dying (An entity becomes Dying when the user indicates that it should be destroyed, and remains so while there are impediments to its removal.)
Dead (an entity becomes Dead when there are no further impediments to its removal; at this point it may be removed from the database at any time. Some entities may become Dead and are removed as a single operation, and are hence never directly observed to be “Dead”, but should still be so considered.)
There are two fundamental truths in this system:
All such things start existence Alive.
No such thing can ever change to an earlier state.
Beyond the above rules, lifecycle shifts occur at different times for different kinds of entities.
Like everything else, a machine starts out Alive.
juju bootstrap
aside, the user interface does not allow for direct creation of machines, butjuju deploy
andjuju add-unit
may create machines as a consequence of unit creation.If a machine has the JobManageModel job, it cannot become Dying or Dead. Other jobs do not affect the lifecycle directly.
If a machine has the JobHostUnits job, principal units can be assigned to it while it is Alive.
While principal units are assigned to a machine, its lifecycle cannot change and
juju remove-machine
will fail.When no principal units are assigned,
juju remove-machine
will set the machine to Dying. (Future plans: allow a machine to become Dying when it has principal units, so long as they are not Alive. For now it’s extra complexity with little direct benefit.)When a machine has containers,
juju remove-machine
will fail, unless force is used. Howeverjuju destroy-controller
orjuju destroy-model
allows a machine to move to dying with containers.Once a machine has been set to Dying, the corresponding Machine Agent (MA) is responsible for setting it to Dead. A dying machine cannot transition to dead if there are containers. (Future plans: when Dying units are assigned, wait for them to become Dead and remove them completely before making the machine Dead; not an issue now because the machine can’t yet become Dying with units assigned.)
Once a machine has been set to Dead, the agent for some other machine (with JobManageModel) will release the underlying instance back to the provider and remove the machine entity from state. (Future uncertainty: should the provisioner provision an instance for a Dying machine? At the moment, no, because a Dying machine can’t have any units in the first place; in the future, er, maybe, because those Dying units may be attached to persistent storage and should thus be allowed to continue to shut down cleanly as they would usually do. Maybe.)
A principal unit can be created directly with
juju deploy
orjuju add-unit
.While a principal unit is Alive, it can be assigned to a machine.
While a principal unit is Alive, it can enter the scopes of Alive relations, which may cause the creation of subordinate units; so, indirectly,
juju integrate
can also cause the creation of units.A unit can become Dying at any time, but may not become Dead while any unit subordinate to it exists, or while the unit is in scope for any relation.
A principal unit can become Dying in one of two ways:
juju remove-unit
(This doesn’t work on subordinates; see below.)juju remove-application
(This does work on subordinates, but happens indirectly in either case: the Unit Agents (UAs) for each unit of an application set their corresponding units to Dying when they detect their application Dying; this is because we try to assume 100k-scale and we can’t use mgo/txn to do a bulk update of 100k units: that makes for a txn with at least 100k operations, and that’s just crazy.)
A subordinate must also become Dying when either:
its principal becomes Dying, via
juju remove-unit
; orthe last Alive relation between its application and its principal’s application is no longer Alive. This may come about via
juju remove-relation
When any unit is Dying, its UA is responsible for removing impediments to the unit becoming Dead, and then making it so. To do so, the UA must:
Depart from all its relations in an orderly fashion.
Wait for all its subordinates to become Dead, and remove them from state.
Set its unit to Dead.
As just noted, when a subordinate unit is Dead, it is removed from state by its principal’s UA; the relationship is the same as that of a principal unit to its assigned machine agent, and of a machine to the JobManageModel machine agent.
Applications are created with
juju deploy
. Applications with duplicate names are not allowed (units and machine with duplicate names are not possible: their identifiers are assigned by juju).Unlike units and machines, applications have no corresponding agent.
In addition, applications become Dead and are removed from the database in a single atomic operation.
When an application is Alive, units may be added to it, and relations can be added using the application’s endpoints.
An applications can be destroyed at any time, via
juju remove-application
. This causes all the units to become Dying, as discussed above, and will also cause all relations in which the application is participating to become Dying or be removed.If a removed application has no units, and all its relations are eligible for immediate removal, then the application will also be removed immediately rather than being set to Dying.
If no associated relations exist, the application is removed by the MA which removes the last unit of that application from state.
If no units of the application remain, but its relations still exist, the responsibility for removing the application falls to the last UA to leave scope for that relation. (Yes, this is a UA for a unit of a totally different application.)
A relation is created with
juju integrate
. No two relations with the same canonical name can exist. (The canonical relation name form is “”, where each endpoint takes the form “ : ”.) Thanks to convention, the above is not strictly true: it is possible for a subordinate charm to require a container-scoped “juju-info” relation. These restrictions mean that the name can never cause actual ambiguity; nonetheless, support should be phased out smoothly (see lp:1100076).
A relation, like an application, has no corresponding agent; and becomes Dead and is removed from the database in a single operation.
Similarly to an application, a relation cannot be created while an identical relation exists in state (in which identity is determined by equality of canonical relation name – a sequence of endpoint pairs sorted by role).
While a relation is Alive, units of applications in that relation can enter its scope; that is, the UAs for those units can signal to the system that they are participating in the relation.
A relation can be destroyed with either
juju remove-relation
orjuju remove-application
.When a relation is destroyed with no units in scope, it will immediately become Dead and be removed from state, rather than being set to Dying.
When a relation becomes Dying, the UAs of units that have entered its scope are responsible for cleanly departing the relation by running hooks and then leaving relation scope (signalling that they are no longer participating).
When the last unit leaves the scope of a Dying relation, it must remove the relation from state.
As noted above, the Dying relation may be the only thing keeping a Dying application (different to that of the acting UA) from removal; so, relation removal may also imply application removal.
OK, that was a bit of a hail of bullets, and the motivations for the above are perhaps not always clear. To consider it from another angle:
Subordinate units reference principal units.
Principal units reference machines.
All units reference their applications.
All units reference the relations whose scopes they have joined.
All relations reference the applications they are part of.
In every case above, where X references Y, the life state of an X may be sufficient to prevent a change in the life state of a Y; and, conversely, a life change in an X may be sufficient to cause a life change in a Y. (In only one case does the reverse hold – that is, setting an application or relation to Dying will cause appropriate units’ agents to individually set their units to Dying – and this is just an implementation detail.)
The following scrawl may help you to visualize the references in play:
+-----------+ +---------+
+-->| principal |------>| machine |
| +-----------+ +---------+
| | |
| | +--------------+
| | |
| V V
| +----------+ +-------------+
| | relation |------>| application |
| +----------+ +-------------+
| A A
| | |
| | +--------------+
| | |
| +-------------+
+---| subordinate |
…but is important to remember that it’s only one view of the relationships involved, and that the user-centric view is quite different; from a user’s perspective the influences appear to travel in the opposite direction:
(destroying a machine “would” destroy its principals but that’s disallowed)
destroying a principal destroys all its subordinates
(destroying a subordinate directly is impossible)
destroying a application destroys all its units and relations
destroying a container relation destroys all subordinates in the relation
(destroying a global relation destroys nothing else)
…and it takes a combination of these viewpoints to understand the detailed interactions laid out above.
It may also be instructive to consider the responsibilities of the unit and machine agents. The unit agent is responsible for:
detecting Alive relations incorporating its application and entering their scopes (if a principal, this may involve creating subordinates).
detecting Dying relations whose scope it has entered and leaving their scope (this involves removing any relations or applications that thereby become unreferenced).
detecting undeployed Alive subordinates and deploying them.
detecting undeployed non-Alive subordinates and removing them (this raises similar questions to those alluded to above re Dying units on Dying machines: but, without persistent storage, there’s no point deploying a Dying unit just to wait for its agent to set itself to Dead).
detecting deployed Dead subordinates, recalling them, and removing them.
detecting its application’s Dying state, and setting its own Dying state.
if a subordinate, detecting that no relations with its principal are Alive, and setting its own Dying state.
detecting its own Dying state, and:
leaving all its relation scopes;
waiting for all its subordinates to be removed;
setting its own Dead state.
A machine agent’s responsibilities are determined by its jobs. There are only two jobs in existence at the moment; an MA whose machine has JobHostUnits is responsible for:
detecting undeployed Alive principals assigned to it and deploying them.
detecting undeployed non-Alive principals assigned to it and removing them (recall that unit removal may imply application removal).
detecting deployed Dead principals assigned to it, recalling them, and removing them.
detecting deployed principals not assigned to it, and recalling them.
detecting its machine’s Dying state, and setting it to Dead.
…while one whose machine has JobManageModel is responsible for:
detecting Alive machines without instance IDs and provisioning provider instances to run their agents.
detecting non-Alive machines without instance IDs and removing them.
detecting Dead machines with instance IDs, decommissioning the instance, and removing the machine.
Machines can in theory have multiple jobs, but in current practice do not.
All state change operations are mediated by the mgo/txn package, which provides multi-document transactions aginst MongoDB. This allows us to enforce the many conditions described above without experiencing races, so long as we are mindful when implementing them.
Lifecycle support is not complete: relation lifecycles are, mostly, as are large parts of the unit and machine agent; but substantial parts of the machine, unit and application entity implementation still lack sophistication. This situation is being actively addressed.
Beyond the plans detailed above, it is important to note that an agent that is failing to meet its responsibilities can have a somewhat distressing impact on the rest of the system. To counteract this, we have implemented a –force flag to remove-unit and remove-machine that forcibly sets an entity to Dead while maintaining consistency and sanity across all references.