Q: I want to get involved. Where should I start? A: Read the docs. They’re not complete (feel free to contribute), but they help. Suggested reading order:
3. docs/architectural-overview.txt
4. docs/how-to-write-tests.txt
5. the other docs in docs/
Many of the docs in the docs/ directory become progressively more clear as you begin actually working in the code. Keep re-reading them periodically to gain more benefit.
Q: How do I find out what’s going on currently? How does the juju-core team communicate regularly? A: IRC. Mailing Lists. Code Reviews.
1. IRC: most day-to-day discussion happens in #juju on freenode.
2. Mailing Lists: [juju-dev](https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju-dev)
3. Code Reviews: using github [Pull Requests](https://github.com/juju/juju/pulls)
Q: How do I run only specific test suites using gocheck? A: The quick answer is that the -gocheck parameters must be last on the command line, for example:
go test -v ./state -gocheck.v -gocheck.f="StateSuite|CleanupSuite"
Also, if you want to use -gocheck.v or -gocheck.vv, you must also provide the -v option to go test, otherwise the -gocheck.v* options are silently ignored.
Additionally, you can only specify -gocheck.f filters on one package at a time. If you use the go test ellipsis (./…) it will ignore your filter strings.