(command-juju-switch)= # `juju switch` > See also: [controllers](#controllers), [models](#models), [show-controller](#show-controller) ## Summary Selects or identifies the current controller and model. ## Usage ```juju switch [options] [||:|:|:]``` ### Options | Flag | Default | Usage | | --- | --- | --- | | `-B`, `--no-browser-login` | false | Do not use web browser for authentication | ## Examples juju switch juju switch mymodel juju switch mycontroller juju switch mycontroller:mymodel juju switch mycontroller: juju switch :mymodel ## Details When used without an argument, the command shows the current controller and its active model. When a single argument without a colon is provided juju first looks for a controller by that name and switches to it, and if it's not found it tries to switch to a model within current controller. mycontroller: switches to default model in mycontroller, :mymodel switches to mymodel in current controller and mycontroller:mymodel switches to mymodel on mycontroller. The `juju models` command can be used to determine the active model (of any controller). An asterisk denotes it.