(command-juju-ssh)= # `juju ssh` > See also: [scp](#scp) ## Summary Initiates an SSH session or executes a command on a Juju machine or container. ## Usage ```juju ssh [options] <[user@]target> [openssh options] [command]``` ### Options | Flag | Default | Usage | | --- | --- | --- | | `--container` | | the container name of the target pod | | `-m`, `--model` | | Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID> | | `--no-host-key-checks` | false | Skip host key checking (INSECURE) | | `--proxy` | false | Proxy through the API server | | `--pty` | <auto> | Enable pseudo-tty allocation | | `--remote` | false | Target on the workload or operator pod (k8s-only) | ## Examples Connect to machine 0: juju ssh 0 Connect to machine 1 and run command 'uname -a': juju ssh 1 uname -a Connect to the leader mysql unit: juju ssh mysql/leader Connect to a specific mysql unit: juju ssh mysql/0 Connect to a jenkins unit as user jenkins: juju ssh jenkins@jenkins/0 Connect to a mysql unit with an identity not known to juju (ssh option -i): juju ssh mysql/0 -i ~/.ssh/my_private_key echo hello **For k8s charms running the workload in a separate pod:** Connect to a k8s unit targeting the operator pod by default: juju ssh mysql/0 juju ssh mysql/0 bash Connect to a k8s unit targeting the workload pod by specifying --remote: juju ssh --remote mysql/0 **For k8s charms using the sidecar pattern:** Connect to a k8s unit targeting the charm container (the default): juju ssh --container charm snappass/0 Connect to a k8s unit targeting the redis container: juju ssh --container redis snappass/0 **For k8s controller:** Connect to the api server pod: juju ssh --container api-server 0 Connect to the mongo db pod: juju ssh --container mongodb 0 ## Details The ssh target is identified by the <target> argument which is either a 'unit name' or a 'machine id'. Both can be obtained by examining the output to "juju status". Valid unit identifiers are: a standard unit ID, such as mysql/0 or; leader syntax of the form <application>/leader, such as mysql/leader. If 'user' is specified then the connection is made to that user account; otherwise, the default 'ubuntu' account, created by Juju, is used. The optional command is executed on the remote machine, and any output is sent back to the user. If no command is specified, then an interactive shell session will be initiated. When "juju ssh" is executed without a terminal attached, e.g. when piping the output of another command into it, then the default behavior is to not allocate a pseudo-terminal (pty) for the ssh session; otherwise a pty is allocated. This behavior can be overridden by explicitly specifying the behavior with "--pty=true" or "--pty=false". The SSH host keys of the target are verified. The --no-host-key-checks option can be used to disable these checks. Use of this option is not recommended as it opens up the possibility of a man-in-the-middle attack. The default identity known to Juju and used by this command is ~/.ssh/id_rsa Options can be passed to the local OpenSSH client (ssh) on platforms where it is available. This is done by inserting them between the target and a possible remote command. Refer to the ssh man page for an explanation of those options. For k8s charms, the --container argument is used to identity a specific container in the pod. For charms which run the workload in a separate pod to that of the charm, the default ssh target is the charm operator pod. The workload pod may be specified using the --remote argument.