(command-juju-set-meter-status)= # `juju set-meter-status` ## Summary Sets the meter status on an application or unit. ## Usage ```juju set-meter-status [options] [application or unit] status``` ### Options | Flag | Default | Usage | | --- | --- | --- | | `-B`, `--no-browser-login` | false | Do not use web browser for authentication | | `--info` | | Set the meter status info to this string | | `-m`, `--model` | | Model to operate in. Accepts [<controller name>:]<model name>|<model UUID> | ## Examples juju set-meter-status myapp RED juju set-meter-status myapp/0 AMBER --info "my message" ## Details Set meter status on the given application or unit. This command is used to test the meter-status-changed hook for charms in development.