(manage-storage-pools)= # How to manage storage pools > See also: {ref}`storage-pool` This document shows how to work with storage pools. ## Create a storage pool First, check if your provider supports any storage configuration attributes. For example, in the case of AWS, the `ebs` storage provider supports several configuration attributes, and among these are `volume-type`, which configures the volume type (i.e. magnetic, ssd, or provisioned-iops), and `iops`, which indicates the IOPS per GiB. > See more: {ref}`storage-provider` > `ebs`, [Wikipedia | IOPS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IOPS) Second, use the `create-storage-pool` command, passing as parameters the desired name of the pool and the name of the provider and then all the key-value pairs that you want to specify. For example, the code below creates a storage pool with the name `iops` which is a version of `ebs` with 30 IOPS. ```text juju create-storage-pool iops ebs volume-type=provisioned-iops iops=30 ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-create-storage-pool` ## View the available storage pools To view the available storage pools, use the `storage-pools` command: ```text juju storage-pools ``` This will list all the predefined storage pools as well as any custom ones that may have been created with the `juju create-storage-pool` command. ```{note} The name given to a default storage pool will often be the same as the name of the storage provider upon which it is based. ``` ````{dropdown} Expand to view a sample output for a newly-added `aws` model ```text Name Provider Attributes ebs ebs ebs-ssd ebs volume-type=ssd loop loop rootfs rootfs tmpfs tmpfs ``` ```` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-storage-pools` ## View the default storage pool To find out the default storage pool for your block-type / filesystem-type, run the `model-config` command followed by the `storage-default-block-source` / `storage-default-filesystem-source` key. For example: ```text juju model-config storage-default-block-source ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-model-config`, {ref}`storage-default-block-source`, {ref}`storage-default-filesystem-source` ## Update a storage pool To update storage pool attributes, use the `update-storage-pool` command: ```text juju update-storage-pool test-pool ``` ````{dropdown} Example ```text # Update the storage-pool named iops with new configuration details: juju update-storage-pool operator-storage volume-type=provisioned-iops iops=40 # Update which provider the pool is for: juju update-storage-pool lxd-storage type=lxd-zfs ``` ```` --- > See more: {ref}`command-juju-update-storage-pool` ## Remove a storage pool To remove an existing storage pool, use the `remove-storage-pool` command: ```text juju remove-storage-pool test-pool ``` > See more: {ref}`command-juju-remove-storage-pool`