(dependency-package)= # Dependency Package The **`dependency`** package is a subpackage in the Go [`worker` library](worker-package.md) that provides constructs that help manage shared resources and their lifetimes. In Juju, it provides constructs that enable [agents](agent.md) to run acyclic graphs of [workers](worker.md) (i.e., workers and their dependencies, i.e., other workers). > See more: [Go packages | `worker` > `dependency`](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/juju/worker/v3@v3.3.0/dependency) * [List of most important `dependency` package constructs](#list-of-most-important-dependency-package-constructs) * [`NewEngine`](#newengine) * [`Install`](#install) * [`Manifolds`](#manifolds) * [`Manifold`](#manifold) ## List of most important `dependency` package constructs This section lists all the most relevant `dependency` package constructs, following a top-down order (going from agent to worker). * [`NewEngine`](#newengine) * [`Install`](#install) * [`Manifolds`](#manifolds) * [`Manifold`](#manifold) ## `NewEngine` `dependency.NewEngine` is a function that is used in the definition of an agent to create and initialise an engine that will maintain the dependency graph defined by any installed instances of the [ `Manifolds`](#manifolds) type. > See more: [ `NewEngine`](https://github.com/juju/worker/blob/e43ac123ef3cbdf02d00e8c5f673c473b2188cff/dependency/engine.go#L132), [example usage of `NewEngine` in the model agent](https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/3.3/cmd/jujud/agent/model.go#L188C2-L188C2) ## `Install` `dependency.Install` is a function that is used in the definition of an agent to install instances of the [ `Manifolds`](#manifolds) type. > See more: [ `Install`](https://github.com/juju/worker/blob/e43ac123ef3cbdf02d00e8c5f673c473b2188cff/dependency/util.go#L17), > [example usage of `Install` in the model agent](https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/1206b7da23628ec1b31cf5a22ec56c8a1c6c1ab9/cmd/jujud/agent/model.go#L192C4-L192C4) ## `Manifolds` `dependency.Manifolds` is a type that is used in the definition of an agent to define a collection of things of the [ `Manifold`](#manifold) type. > See more: [ `Manifolds`](https://github.com/juju/worker/blob/e43ac123ef3cbdf02d00e8c5f673c473b2188cff/dependency/interface.go#L82), > [example usage of `Manifolds` in the model agent](https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/1206b7da23628ec1b31cf5a22ec56c8a1c6c1ab9/cmd/jujud/agent/model/manifolds.go#L137) ## `Manifold` `dependency.Manifold` is a type that is used in the definition of a worker to declare its inputs, outputs, and start function. > See more: [ `Manifold`](https://github.com/juju/worker/blob/e43ac123ef3cbdf02d00e8c5f673c473b2188cff/dependency/interface.go#L15), > [example usage of `Manifold` in the firewaller worker](https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/3113a35d31eea873707b3f1a21f9a2f15be43eca/worker/firewaller/manifold.go#L54)